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Washington D.C.: February 13: 21:06 EST

An alarm went off as a store was being robbed. The thief ran out of the store with a bag full of money, and a gun. Before he made it any further, he tripped over an arrow and fell to the ground. The bag of money and his gun fell out of his reach. As the theif sat up, knockout gas was released from the arrow, making the thief blackout.

Red Arrow appeared as the store owner ran up to him.

"I was watching through the window. That was amazing." The store owner said.

The scruffy looking Red Arrow turned around and picked up the stolen money, putting it back in the bag.

"Can I offer you a reward? I mean, anything I've got in the store is yours, dude. Anything." The store owner offered.

Red Arrow took a stack of the money, hiding it from the owner. He then stood up and gave the bag back to the owner.

"Not necessary. Your thanks are all the reward I need." Red Arrow said.

Green Arrow was watching everything from a rooftop. He saw the stack of money that Red Arrow had hidden, before he lowered his binoculars. He tapped his comm. "I've found him. And it's worse than we thought." He told someone.

Taos: February 13: 19:49 EST

At Star Labs, Adam Strange and Eduardo Dorado Sr were preparing to launch the Zeta-Shield. Eduardo nodded at Adam.

Adam looked at the holoscreen that was connected to the WatchTower. "We're ready. Zeta-Shield relay satellites are all in place." He told Captain Atom.

The WatchTower: February 13: 21:51 EST

Captain Atom, Dr. Fate, Black Lightning, and Zatanna were on the observation deck.

Captain Atom nodded.

"Activating satellites." Adam said.

The satelites activated, creating a veil appeared over the Earth, also going just above the WatchTower. Earth was now protected from aliens who would teleport via Zeta-Beam.

Mount Justice: February 13: 21:51 EST

At the Cave, Nick, Astra, La'gann, M'gann, Jaime, and Mal were watching the shield being activated on a holo-screen.

Astra was at the Cave because John and Asa were on a date. They had asked Nick to watch her, and he agreed. Trish was at her house in L.A, hanging out with Cassie.

Nick had prepared a dinner date for him and Zatanna at the House of Mystery for Valentine's Day. Astra had offered to help by being their little waiter which Nick and Zatanna agreed to. Nick had also picked up flowers from New Genesis called Black Roses, which symbolised love.

"Congratulations. The Zeta-Shield is now operational." Adam stated.

"Absolutely historic." La'gann said in amazement. He turned to Mr Carr, who was homeschooling Garfield. "

Professor Carr! You should have your cave-schooled pupil write a term paper about this." He said.

Garfield motioned for La'gann to shut up, which made Astra giggle. Nick just smiled in amusement.

La'gann continued. "With the Zeta-Shield in place, no alien can teleport to our planet from off world." He said as Connor walked past them. La'gann looked at his girlfriend. "Even your Strange friend won't be able to travel to and from Rann without approval." He added.

Connor stood with Nick, Mal, Astra and Jaime. He folded his arms. "Shield's great, but it won't stop a spaceship or a Boom Tube." He said.

Nick nodded. "Which is good news for me." He said.

Red Wizard: Book 2 (A Zatanna Zatara/OC Love Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora