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El Paso: February 18: 23:56 MST

A teen was riding his skateboard down the road. The teen looked to be a Mescalero Apache boy with long black hair. He had brown eyes. His attire consisted of an orange headband on his head, tags around his neck, black pants and red sneakers. He was also wearing an orange jumper covered by a brown hooded shirt, an orange hankerchief around his right leg and a black wristband around his left wrist that had metal studs on it. The teen was Jaime's friend, Tye Longshadow.

Tye continued riding his skateboard down the road. He managed to avoid a car. The driver of the car honked at him, but Tye ignored the driver, and continued to head to the Bus Depot. He soon arrived at the depot. He got off his skateboard and picked it up. He then got his phone out to call someone.


In a neigbourhood in El Paso, Jaime was in his room, sleeping. There was homework spread all around his bed. There was also an opened laptop next to him.

Jaime's phone started ring. He woke up. He then looked at the caller I.D. He then answered it.

"Tye, it's almost midnight. What?" Jaime asked in annoyance.

"I've had enough, Jaime. I'm done letting Maurice push me around. I'm on the bus to Houston tonight. I'm at the depot now." Tye informed him. Tye did not see a figure watching him from around the corner.

Jaime's eyes widened. "Whoa, whoa. Slow down, hermano." He said as he sat over the side of his bed.

"No, not this time. I just called to say goodbye." Tye told him.

"Maybe I should call Nick." Jaime thought to himself. He then shook his head, realizing that they both asleep right now in the House of Mystery. He stood up from his bed. "Tye, listen, I'm on my way." He said, picking up his hoodie as he headed to the window. "I'll meet you by the statue of Cochise." He said.

"We'll talk. Just promise me you'll wait till I get there." Jaime said as he armored up. He then flew out the window.

Bus Depot.

"No promises." Tye said. He then disconnected the call and put his phone away. He gave a scoff as he decided to do what Jaime said . He then started walking to the statue nearby.

As Tye apprached the statue, he was grabbed by someone. He dropped his helmet and skateboard. The skateboard rolled away, stopping behind a nearby bench.


As Jaime was flying to the Bus Depot, the scarab started talking. "Your concern for this Tye is trivial. Our armor is intended for greater purpose." The Scarab said.

"I'm trying to stop a friend from making a massive mistake. What greater purpose is there?" Jaime countered. "I wonder if Nick has to deal with this when he is talking with Phoenix?" Jaime thought to himself.

Jaime soon arrived at the depot. He landed behind a bus and armored down. He put on the hoodie to hide the scarab. He then ran out of the bush and headed to the statue that he agreed to meet Tye at. He looked around, but saw no sign og Tye.

The back door to the Depot opened and an employee walked out, holding a clipboard.

Jaime walked over the employee. "Excuse me, the bus to Houston?" He asked.

The employee stopped and looked at him. "You just missed it." He said. "But there'll be another one in the morning." He informed Jaime, looking at the clip board in hand. He then walked away.

Jaime looked down sadly. "I can't believe that Tye actually ran away. Why didn't he wait?" He thought to himself.

Jaime decided to walk back home. "I will call Nick and Astra in the morning. Maybe they can help me find Tye." He decided. As he was walking away, he did not notice Tye's skateboard still at the bench.

Red Wizard: Book 2 (A Zatanna Zatara/OC Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora