Happy New Year

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The WatchTower: January 1: 03:21 EST

"The entire League was under Savage's spell for just over a day. We've accounted for most of that time, but these six went missing for a full 16 hours we can't account for." Robin revealed.

Batman narrowed his eyes. "Sixteen hours. What did we do?" He asked gravely.

"We will find out. One day." Nick said seriously.

Gotham City: January 1: 16:16 EST: Five Years Later

Today, it was Nick and Phoenix's birthday Nick and Phoenix had turned 20 and 320 respectively. They had gotten a party, which was interrupted when Clayface had escaped from Arkham. Delta Squad were sent in to recapture him. Astra and Trish had arrived at the Cave for Nick's party. Artemis and Wally had called to wish Nick and Phoenix a happy birthday.

Zatanna and Raquel had also dropped by to give Nick a birthday kiss. Zatanna had kissed him passionetly, while Raquel just gave him a kiss on the cheek. They had both then left to go to the WatchTower. They had done the same thing on Nightwing's birthday, but in the reverese order. Raquel had kissed Nightwing on his lips, and Zatanna had kissed his cheek.

Astra and Trish were still at the Cave, being watched by Mal and Nightwing.

Nick and Connor were in the sewers of Gotham City. They ran through the sewers side by side. They stopped when they saw grey clay on the ground. Connor kneeled down and touched the clay, as he tried to examine it.

"Nick, it's a trap." Phoenix warned telepathically.

Nick gave a mental nod. "Thank's Phoenix." He said.

Before Nick could warn Connor, They were both grabbed a pair of clay hands and pulled into a hug by Clayface, who rose up from the water.

"You always fall for this gag." Clayface said with an evil chuckle, as Nick and Connor struggled to escape as they were both pulled towards him. "Struggle all you want, kids. Even a Kryptonian and a human have to breathe." He added as he pulled them both inside him, leaving only their feet.

"Let them go." M'gann ordered firmly as she de camouflaged. She then used her telekinesis to pull Clayface apart, releasing Nick and Connor, who gasped as they regained their breath. They were both covered in clay.

Clayface tried to grab them, but they both jumped backwards to avoid him. Clayface then pulled himself back together again.

Nick's hands glowed orange as he got ready to fight Clayface. He looked at his Martian sister.

"What a timely rescue." Nick said in a mock hurt tone.

M'gann just winked jokingly at her brother. They then got serious as they turned back to Clayface.

"Delta Squad, we've flushed the target. Converge on our signal." M'gann ordered the rest of the squad telepathically.

"We can play at this all day, missy." Clayface said, as he turned his right hand into spikes. "Nothing you can do hurts me." He added as he then turned his left hand into spikes as well.

A shadowey figure threw a few discs at Clayface, trying to electrocute him.

Clayface turned to where the discs came from and laughed. "That don't work anymore." He stated, having removed the discs from his body.

"Then try this." Nick said, pulling out a pill from his pocket.

Clayface turned back to the trio, and roared as he launched at Nick and Connor.

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