After school

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They usually end school at about 3PM and get home usually at around 3:50pm - 4PM. They walked home all together, Aaron and Noah were like walking and cuddling, if that even makes sense and Dom was next to Noah, Alex was next to Aaron. They had a normal comversation while walking down the streets and going into the bus. It was all fine. They decided to go park for a little while to enjoy themself. It was autumn at the time so the leave were all orange and yellow, scattered on the ground, and when you stepped on them they had a satisfying crunch! It was so nice to walk in a park like that. Felt like a magical sunset forest. Noah and Aaron decided to kiss in the centre of the pavement where the trees where. The leaves were falling still while most of the leaves were on the floor, it looked really beautiful and while they were kissing, it looked like a movie scene from a really romantic movie. Alex and Dom stood there and smiled at them. "Oi! Come on you too! We are still here." Shouted Alex. Dom whispered under her breathe, "Heh lovebirds." Aaron and Noah quickly ran up to them "Sorry, aha got a little distracted there." Aaron said, and Noah chuckled. They continued walking through the park. Dom looked around, it was so magestic. They soon got home, since the park was only a 4 minute walk from their apartment. "Finalllyy," groaned Dom, "Home sweet home!" They all went to go sit down on the couch. "How was school guys?" Noah asked. "Fine." Replied Dom. "It could've been better." Continued Alex. "It was good." Smiled Aaron. "And you?" Asked Dom, "Yeah it was fine! Except from those bullies, it would've been amazing." Noah frowned and looked away to avoid eye contact. "Hey, don't listen to those jerks. It's fine. I'll get this sorted.." snickered Dom. Noah raised an eyebrow. "Right then.. Anyone up for a horror movie?" They all smirked and shouted "Yeah!" It was around 4:15pm when they started watching. Noah cuddled with Aaron while Alex just sat at the edge and Dom was sitting hugging a pillow. There was abit of screaming and laughing. It was so much fun. When the movie ended it was about 5:36pm, They all went to their rooms but then Aaron left 5 minutes later. I mean he has to do his business, plus there is homework. Dom sat down and started her homework. She didn't notice that slowly time passed and it was 6PM and then at 6:05PM Alex came in without knocking. "Hey, why didn't you come?" Dom shook a little, "Firstly, knock next time. And secondly, sorry i was doing homework I didn't realize.." Alex went up to Dom, she was sitting infront of her desk. Alex lifted her chin to make her look at him, He smirked and started to speak, "Well what I wanted to say is..-" but then Noah barged into the room..

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