The day of school

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Dom woke up, she forgot to put her alarm on but luckily she woke up to the sound of Noah's Alarm, since Noah's room was the closest. It was 6:30am, they had to leave at 7:20am to catch the bus and make it to school on time, which is 8:15am, so she stood up and looked herself at the mirror. "So today's the day.." She whispered. She got her clothes out of her wardrobe and dressed up.She decided to go with a plain white shirt and some black sweatpants. Since it was the first day and no one cared ever on the first day. Except those preppy popular girls. It was about 6:40am when she went out of her room and to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Noah came out at the same time, while Alex was in the bathroom, getting ready. "Morning Noah.." Dom said. "Hey morning! Exclaimed Noah "Excited?" Dom looked at Noah as if what he said was an unfunny joke. "No, duh, I hate school!" Noah chuckled and got two bowls out and some milk along with cereal. They both ate and then Alex came out. "Morning!" Alex shouted. As he went to go sit down and eat breakfast. "How'd you guys sleep?" They both replied at the same time with Fine. After they ate, Noah went to quickly dress up and Dom went to the bathroom to get ready. She did her business as usual and then put her hair into pigtails. "Okay, I think i'm ready.." She went to go sit down in the living room, where Alex was sitting, he was always ready so early. It was only 7am so they had 20 more minutes. Since they get on the bus that comes at 7:25am and they lived close to the bustop. Noah then rushed into the bathroom at around 7:10am and quickly got ready. Then they all put on their shoes and walked out of the door at exactly 7:20am. Fast forward to when they got to school. They all walked into their classes, and everything was fine.

Until lunch, everything WAS fine. But then those weird preppy popular mean girls went up to Noah, they made fun of him and called him names. Dom noticed and ran up to them. Alex saw Dom and followed her. She shouted "Go away bitches, who do you think your calling names here? I don't know who you think you are? Slags. Honestly." As she said that, Alex stood behind her. Alex wasn't popular but every girl fan girl over him atleast once, Dom thought it was funny. "Hey noah, you alright? Don't listen to those slags, they're an embarrassment, disappointing to be honest." Dom said. "It's pathetic. I hate them." Dom decided to mimick them. Noah chuckled then replied, "Yeah i'm fine, they're idiots"
Or that's what Noah said, they made him feel like shit, it isn't the first time, they always do this to him. He tries hard to hold back tears. Alex smiled at Noah.


They all met up at this alleyway where they always meet up at, it's right next to the school. Noah told them "Oh i'm just gonna get Aaron, he doesn't live far from us so he might as well walk with us." He ran to go get Aaron. Alex noticed that they were alone. He pinned down Dom on the wall suddenly. He smirked and looked her in the eyes. "Meet me at my room once we are home, not straight away, maybe at 6PM." Dom didn't know what to do, she just stared back and blushed like crazy. Oh god she thought, she had butterflies and once he backed away and acted like nothing happened and then Noah came back, she stayed at the wall and squealed 'Eek' silently, Noah came back with Aaron. "Alright lets go!" And they started walking back home..

Stayed at home..Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя