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Authors POV
As yeonha gets stuck in the hut and trys to get out but she sees
a man and small girl standing there beside her and pointing at her neck and she gets scared and passes out.

And yoongi somehow opens the door and sees that yeonha have passed out and then he tried to wake her up but no use so he just carries her out of there and says sooyoung and jungkook to go to the house and they run to house.

When they entered the house everyone asked what happened to yeonha... yoongi said that he didn't know what happened and saw he passed out near a tree (he lied so he wouldn't scare anyone).

And yoongi lays down yeonha on the bed and sees there is a *X* mark in her neck... He tries to rub it but it won't erase so he asks the girls to help but no use so they just wait until she wakes up.

After 10-15 mins she wakes up and asks who is everyone and where she is.... They asked "don't u remember us?" She said "no who are u people" they tried to make her remember but she couldn't remember anyone.

Taehyung's POV :
We tried to make her remember everything we said how we got to know eachother but my sister won't remember anyone not even yoongi Hyung.... I looked at yoongi Hyung he was in the verge of crying and I just patted his back saying that yeonha would remember us.

Jungkook' POV :
This place is getting weirder and weird as time goes by soo said she saw someone and now yeonha passed out seeing something I wanna get out of this place as soon as we can buy we can't figure out the way out of here.

Yoongi's POV :
I didn't know what she saw in there but weird seeing a mark in her neck cuz she never had one before and now she woke up and said she doesn't remember me I felt hurt but I think she would remember me soon.....

Jin's POV :
We all left the room hoping that yeonha would remember us and we just sat and waited for her to come out of the room since she forgot who we were she was so scared of us so we just let her be alone in the room.

Yujin' POV :
We were all worried about yeonha and thought she would be fine if we left her alone not until we heard her scream so loud as we all rushed to the room to see yeonha passed out agian.....

Jiha's POV :
We went into the room and shoke yeonha to wake up since we heard her scream as she woke up she looked extremely scared as yoongi calmed her down. We didn't know what actually happened so we asked her but she wont say anything cuz she was scared.

Yeonha's POV :
As I was thinking who the people where and who I was I suddenly saw someone in front of me it was a lady in full black dress torn a bit and full of blood I screamed as I saw her and passed out...

Authors POV :
As she woke up she remember everyone and everything suddenly and hugged yoongi tight and cried as yoongi comforted her while everyone was wondering what was going on.....

After that everyone thought it would be fine if we forgot About that and had dinner and went to sleep as yoongi asked her what she saw in the small hut....

Yoongi's POV :
I asked her what she saw in the small hut we went into she looked scared and finally she said everything she saw... I was shook I didn't really think this place was haunted but now I believe it is and I just said it was fine and patted her head as she slept.

[Next day]
Everyone woke up and started to do Thier morning routine as yoongi alone went outside saying he wants to get fresh air...

But he actually went to the small hut they went Yesterday and saw there was a path leading to somewhere as he followed the path he found a small place and saw a dairy there that got his attention it was a dark red colour dairy he tried to open it but it was locked he tried to bang it on the floor but still didn't work so he just took it with him to the house....

Yoongi's POV :
I saw this old red colour dairy I thought there would be something in this so I tried to open it up but didn't work so I just took it with me to the house to discuss it with the others.

As I got home I felt someone was watching me the whole time....
Like someone was following me....
I didn't really mind cuz there was no one so I just went to the house and gathered everyone to discuss about this.

When they all started talking the lights started to flicker but when they stopped it came back to normal when they start agian it starts to flicker....

So yoongi said they all better stop talking about it and try to open the dairy but then Suga remembered that they have to find the locket to open it first so he said them to search.....

But Yeon acted weird whenever they started to start talking about the dairy and said she wouldn't come to search for the locket and yoongi said he wil stay with her but she said no and she will be okay...

As they tried to find it but couldn't and they just came back to the hall and saw that yeonha wasn't there and they started to panic and started to search all the rooms...

Yoongi's POV :
We were all freaking out and started to search for yeonha I searched all the room and finally went to the basement and there she was sitting holding the locket we were searching for....
I slowly went to her and called her name "yeonha" she started to panic and said me not to come closer but I said I was yoongi and I slowly went to her and hugged her slowly since she was so scared. But she was trying to hide the locket I don't know why but I just let her do it cuz she is more important to me.....

And I took her outside and saw where she hid the locket to get it later.....

[Time skip to night time]
Still yoongi's POV
I made sure everyone was sleeping and slowly went down to the basement by myself and searched for the locket not knowing someone was watching him all the time......

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