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The young man was at the dance studio all day long. He can't finish his practice, because he thought he still wasn't getting better. He paused the music to get a short break so he could catch his breath again and drink some water.

"Holy shit am I getting worse?" he mumbled to himself and put the water bottle back to the side of the studio. "I'll just keep practicing." the orange haired boy thought and one second later the music blasted through the whole studio again.

But he didn't noticed the other young man standing in the door of the studio. The silver haired man was staring at the smooth movements of the younger. The taller was a miracle to the elder, because the orange haired man still thought he wasn't enough.

"You need a longer break." the elder said suddenly and scared the younger to death. "Hyung! Since when you're staying there? And why do you think I need a longer break? It's fine and I need to get better." the other said and got a knowing look from the elder. "I know that you're practicing since 6 hours and those short breaks are not helping. You're going to overwork yourself and forget the choreography completely!" The older said and the younger was about to say something but the silver haired man cut him of. Again.

"And belive me when I say that I know how you feel. But please don't be that harsh on yourself." begged the shorter male. "But Hyung! I can't get better if I'm not practicing!" the younger claimed and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Mingi. Listen to me as a leader and a friend. I know how it feels when you feel you're not good enough but you're one of the best dancers I've ever seen." "You're just saying it out of boredom." "No, I meant it how I said it." "But.." "NO! You're going to get a long break and a dinner. You're not going to have a breakdown. Not under my watch." the elder said angrily. "Okay, you won. But tomorrow I'll practice again." "I'll practice to. I need a little help with the new choreography. But now let's get something to eat!" the silver haired cheerfully said, which the taller male made smile. "Come on, your as slowly as a turtle." the shorter judged and ran over to the orange haired to pull him out of the dance studio. The tiny hand from his leader was wrapped around Mingis wrist and made the taller one blush slightly. The same thing was for the tiny leader. They both felt the warmth of the other and a slight pink blush formed across their cheeks. "Where so you wanna go?" "Everywhere you wanna go. I'm not that hungry." the taller answered and hoped that the elder didn't hear the last sentence. But the silver haired boy heard everything and turned around worried and a little angry. "What do you mean with you're not hungry? I bet you didn't ate all day!" the elder questioned and scanned the face of the younger. "Mabye..?" Mingi questionly answered and got a knowing look from the elder. "You're going to eat until you explode." the silver haired mumbled and wrapped his hand around the tallers wrist again and pulled him in the direction of his favorite restaurant. Five minutes later they arrived at the little restaurant with dishes from all across the world. The Warmth. Here, in this littel room with a lot of sitting space, is everyone welcomed. It doesn't matter if you're from a different country, have another religion or another sexuality. Smiling the shorter male dragged Mingi inside of the restaurant. "Ah, Hongjoongie. How are you? Is this your bandmate? He's as handsome as you said!" a high voice welcomed them after the door shot close behind them. "Hi, Luna. And yes that's Mingi. We didn't eat anything until now would you give us a table for two please?" he answered all flustered. "Yes, dear. Follow me." she laughed and her eyes formed to crescent moons. She was really pretty and had a unique style. She combined a black ripped jeans with a rainbow shirt and her hair was trapped in a ponytail. She wore a lot of accessories and a gentle make up that made her eyes shine. Her Eyes were different. There were blue like the indian Ocean. She wasn't from Korea but that's what makes her unique for everyone around her. Mingi was a little jealous. This girl knew his Joongie and he knows her. How often did he comes here? Mingi questions himself and walked behind them. "Here you go. I'll get the menu cards. Just a minute please." she smiled again and left the two young for a short amount of time. In the moment they sat down Luna came back with the menu cards and gave it to her customers. "Do you already know what you'll drinking?" "Yes, I'd would like a iced tea but peach flavoured. I can't drink that lemon flavoured one. It's gross." Hongjoong said to Luna and she noticed it on her little log. "Uhm do you have cherry juice?" the orange haired asked and the female nodded in agreement. "Then I'll take that." he smiled at the waitress, which nodded noticed this also on her log winked at Hongjoong and got back to her work. "So what would you like to eat? You can choose between dishes from 127 countrys. That's so cool. I mean normally you have to go to a lot of different restaurants to get those dishes. But here you have 127 dishes from all across the world. It's awesome." "How often you've been here?" "I already tried like 15 different dishes. And I can tell you that all of them tastes good in their own way!" "Okay, someone's excited." the taller boy giggled at the behavior from the other. "Here you go. One iced tea and a cherry juice. You already know what you want to eat?" "Luna, give Mingi some time. It's his first visit and I've noticed that you're getting more dishes every week." "Thats right, Joongie. Someone's attentively. Okay, I'll be back in like five to ten minutes." she said laughing and went to another customer. "Uhm I would to try this dish. I don't know how to pronounced it but it sounds delicious." "You mean nasi lemak? I've ate it and loved it from the first bite. It's the unofficial national dish of Malaysia." Hongjoong explained to the younger, who was surprised that his Hyung knows so much things about that dish. "Oh wow! You can also learn about those dishes and countrys? That's so cool. I guess that's my new favorite place." the taller one laughed and made the shorter smile. With interests in the place he looked around and noticed that there were like little receipts or quotes written on the walls. This place was so quiet and peaceful. Everyone was welcomed and no one hated anyone for who they are. That's a conforming place for everyone. "I knew you would love that place." Hongjoong smiled as he saw how much Mingi admires this restaurant. "Guys, can I take your order now?" Luna said out of no way and scared Mingi half to death. "Luna. Don't do that ever again." the orange haired male spoke with his hand on his chest were his heart was and told her his order. "I'll go with chicken tikka masala." the smaller ordered and smiled. "Ohhh, good choice. The malayian dish and the british dish. They'll arrive soon." she smiled one more time and left the two man alone again. "For how long do you know Luna now?" Mingi asked after a short amount of time were it was quiet. "Uhm, I knew her since high school. She's my best friend. As she told me she'll open up a restaurant with dishes from all across the world I'd have to come everytime I had a break. Yes I know I've should had take you with me." "No, everything is fine. I am happy that you took me here." he smiled at his leader and rested his hand on the others hand that was laying on the table. "So she's not you're girlfriend?" "No! She is a lesbian. She is already in a relationship with her barista." the silver haired man laughed awkwardly. "Oh, okay. That's sweet. But for real is this her dream. It's so comforting and peaceful." "Yes, she always wanted a place where all this hate, the racism, the homophobia, the prejudices and all those problems in our 'modern' world can disappear. That's why she named it 'The Warmth'." "A beautiful name and it suits so well." "Here you go again. Your dishes are there and with them the warmth of the worlds peace. Enjoy your meal!" Luna cheerfully said and wanted to go back to her other customers but got hold back by Mingi, who was clearing his throat. "I have a question for you Luna." "Yes, what you wanna know?" "Did you traveled to all that countrys by yourself?" "I was in a few of them like England, USA, Canada, Australia, Korea, Japan, Thailand and China. But I want to travel to the other ones to. Ah, one information for you I am from Germany." the female grinned at the to males and left them so they could eat their food. After they've finished there meals they paid and got out of the restaurant. "That was so good. Lets get here with the others. I'm sure they'll love this place." "Was that a date?" Hongjoong suddendly said and got Mingi shocked. "Huh? W-what? If you want it t-to be." "Then it was a date. A beautiful date." the smaller male said and brightly smiled with red cheeks. "You're cute." Mingi mumbled and took the hand of his leader and interlocked their fingers. Hongjoongs cheeks turn into a darker shade of red and he tilted his head down in embarrassment. "Why you're looking down? I wanna see your beautiful face even if you're flustered." Mingi said smirking. "You're such a flirt." the elder laughed and looked up into Mingis eyes. "Now I can see the beauty of yours." "And I can see the beauty of yours." they both whispered to each other. "Follow me I wanna show you my secret place." the taller smiled and pulled Hongjoong forwards. A short time of walking passes by and they got there were Mingi wanted to go. "Oh my god. It's so beautiful. It's hidden and comfortable. And you can see the sky. That's so beautiful!" Hongjoong said with shining eyes. That's the only thing that Mingi wanted for Hongjoong. To see him happy and relaxed. "Mingi come here. I wanna watch the sunset." the elder giggled and ran to Mingis place that's now also his place. "I'm coming. Wait a minute." he laughed and walked towards the silver haired man. A long time ago the sun went down. And now the moon and the star were raising. "Oh look it's crescent moon. It looks like your eyesmile." the smaller said sleepily and rested his head against Mingis chest. The boy sat in between the tallers legs and Mingi has his arms around Hongjoong which won't let go of him. It was almost midnight and they didn't even thought of going home. They both wanted to say something to the other at midnight. Mingi gets nervouser with every minute that passes. "Hongjoong?" he wishpered and the boy looks up with half closed eyes. "I want to say something to you. It'll ruin our friendship but I can't hold it back anymore. I like you. I've fallen for you a long time ago and my feelings grow wider with everyday I'm with you. You're just so sweet, caring and kind to everyone that it is hard not to fall for you. When you smile at me my heart starts beating faster. When you laugh or smile I must also laugh or smile. I wanna hold you, kiss you and be there for you. I wanna be your shoulder you can lean on everytime. I wanna hold you no matter if you're going to good or rough times. I wanna be that one person for you that loves everything about you and can stay at your side, like, for ever. I don't wanna lose you because of my feelings. I'll be there for you 'till I collapse." he finished his speech to the older. Hongjoong looked into Mingis eyes and started to cry. "Joongie? Why are you crying? Did I destroyed our friendship?" he carefully asked his leader wrapping his arms tighter around the skinny boy which started laughing. "Of course you didn't! I love you too. You are so sweet and caring too. And you make it also hard not to fall for you." he blurted out and wiped his tears away. "Can...can I k-kiss you?" the orange haired male asked quietly and leaned closer to Hongjoong. "Y-yes." his voice was shaking as he wishpered this word. Mingi stopped millimeters in front of the elders lips and was overthinking again. But that suddendly stopped as he felt a pair of lips against his. Hongjoong kissed him. HE. KISSED. HIM. Mingi returned the kiss and smiled happily into it. As they teared apart they smiled widely at each other. That night was unforgettable for the two young male.

》I Love you.《

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