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Listen to this song while u reading! I think it suits very well!!


"Where is Hongjoong?" Mingi asked at the dinningtable but got no answer. "Hello?" he asked again and got an annoyed glare from Yeosang, which led Mingi to shut up and eat his food. "Mingi, you know our leaders hardworking self. He's probably at the studio and thinks about the next comeback plus concept." Yunho answered and stood up from the table and drags San with him. "Jeong Yunho, I wasn't finished with eating." they heard San yell and after that they heard that the door was slamed. There were probably prepearing for there date night. "Alright, I gotta go. Ya'll coming?" Seonghwa asked and got an clear answer from everyone. Except Mingi, he refused to go with them. "Fine, don't set anything on fire." Jongho brushed him of and left him alone. After the others left him in the dinning room and went out of the dorm for fun activites. A short amount of time later he heared the door was shut close twice. There all on there own night dates. But Mingi was alone. So he stood up cleaned the table and the dishes. He quietly hummed a melody which's stucked in his head for months. "I'm mad at Disney, Disney. They tricked me, tricked me. Heard me wishing on a shooting star." he sang for himself and was still working on cleaning the kitchen. "The best time of the day was when I had came home and heared you singing." a voice behind him says and Mingi jumped slightly. A quiet chuckle was heard, then it went silent. Mingi frowned as he faced the person behind him. "Mother..." he mumbled and broke down crying. "Mingi, you must forget me. Let go of me. I'm dead for about three years now." she explained but the young idol shook is head in disagreement. "But I don't want to. Your'e the only one that don't thinks I'm annoying or a burden. My members hate me and I don't have a reason to live. Please Mom, take me with you." he cried but his mother walked away from him. "I can't do this. I love you, Mingi. And don't say such things. You know they like you but they have also their own problems. Also what would Hongjoong say to these words of yours? Already tell him." was the last thing she said smiling and disappeared into air. "No, come back." he cried out loud and sat in a pile of broken glass. He didn't notice that he had something in his hand and lost his grip around it. There he sat crying in shards and no one cared about it. But how could they know, if they weren't here in the dorm. They never cared about the mental illness from which Mingi suffered. They don't care about him crying every night. But Mingi's still kind to them and pretends that everything is alright. On Stage or when the cameras are on he's the ball of sunshine of the group. But as soon as the cameras are off or he's backstage he is like an other person. Everyone left him behinde or avoid him. And he knows it but dosen't care at all. He wants that his members are happy. After he calmed down he cleaned the floor and sent Hongjoong an message.

Hyung, should I come over and help you?

I would love that^^

A small smile creeped onto Mingis lips and he got dressed for the cold weather outside. Hongjoong cared at least a little bit more about the younger. But Mingi thought it was only to hold the good image of the group up. He didn't know how false this theory was. Deep inside they all cared about him but they don't know how to comfort him. There confused and stressed. They didn't know how to handle depression.

Hongjoong on the other hand laid his phone back at it's place on his desk. With a big smile he goes back to work and writes on the new song with a lot of inspiration from the younger. He knows from what the taller had to suffer. But to Hongjoong is Mingi the purest, beautifullest and kindest human being. It hurts him to see or hear the younger cry so he does his best to comfort the other one. With every word Hongjoong writes his smile gets brighter and his mood lifted even more. He writes like a half an hour until someone knocks at his door. "Come in." he yelled and the door got opened. "Hi, Joongie Hyung." Mingi greets Hongjoong and sat himself beside the other. "Do you need any help?" he asked the other one, who smiled widely. But as Hongjoong looked at the younger he frowned. Mingi had a lot of little cuts under his knees, on his hands and another on his cheek. "What did you do? What happend? Didn't you asked the other members to help you?" he said worriedly. "Hongjoong I'm totally fine. Belive me." he answered with a sad but unique smile. "I'm beliving you but you have to clean thoses wounds." he ordered and took the taller man by his wrist and dragged him to the next bathroom. "Wait here. I'm searching for the first aid kit." Joong said to the other male. "I'm fine, Hyung." Mingi said once again but got an agressively caring glare from the older. As a cold shiver crept down his spine he shut his mouth and waited for the older to find the kit. "I've found it!" the older happily cheered and made his way back to the brunette, who was smiling at the cuteness from the other one. "So let's get you supplied." he raised his voice and dragged him back to the studio. "The walking is killing me." Mingi mumbled under his breath and hoped Hongjoong didn't heard it. But as soon as their were back in the studio the older pressed him gently in the chair. "Why didn't you tell me that the wounds hurt. How'd you manage to came here and not dying from the pain?" he asked shudderingly. "I don't know. The cold air outside numed the pain, I guess." the taller answered and shrugged. "Oh god Mingi. Did no one helped at the dorms?" "No, They weren't home. Yusan has date night and the others are at some other places. But i didn't listen where there were going." he explained to his Leader. "Oh god, they left you all alone?" Mingi noticed how the older got angry at the others but he hushed his hyung and said that he didn't want to go out with them because he wanted to continue their almost tradition. But they both knew he'll scold the others anyway. "Aw, you're to cute Mingi. But now it's gonna hurt a lil bit." Hongjoong warned and soaked a cotton ball with disinfectants and cleaned the wounds from the already dried blood, the dirt and bacteria. He don't want the younger to get sick. "Ouch, Joongie. Gentlier." he whimpered and screwed up his face. "Ah sorry, Gi. I didn't meant to hurt you." he almost cried out and looked in Mingis eyes. "Aw, bub. It hurts not that much. Go on." he laughed and brushed a stray strand of hair out of his eyes. Both men blushed and looked away from the other. "So I must put on these bandages. But before I must apply this ointment that your wounds heal faster ant won't leave so big scars. Watch out this thing is pretty cold." he rattled down and put ointment on the warm skin from Mingi. "Shit, that's very cold." he cursed under his breath. "Don't curse if I'm in the room. Don't curse in generall or I'll hit ya in that pretty face." scolded Hongjoong him and looked so serious that Mingi couldn't help but laugh. "What's so funny about that?" "Nothing, but how serious you looked. To cute." Mingi said chuckling. "Oh..okay.." the other male replied shyly and put the bandages on. "Let's go home. It's pretty late already and I don't have any ideas right now." the older said after a few moments of silence. "Thats a good Idea. Do wanna cuddle again, Joongie?" "Why do you even ask? You know that I want cuddles, you big baby." "Oh, how I could forget that the minion wants his cuddles?" he smiled widely and got an smack against his upper arm. "OW! Joongie that hurts!" "Oh come on. You have enough muscles to avoid the so called pain from this little smack." "But you're pretty strong for such a shorty." and yet he got an other smack from the other male. "Okay, okay. I'm not gonna call you short anymore." Mingi laughed and got an amazed snort from the tiny leader. "Let's go now." he ordered the taller male around after he shut down his laptop and packed his things together. "Come here, babe." Mingi called frome the wide open door and reached his big hand out for him. As shy as a short time ago he walked forwards the taller male and took his hand and as soon there touched eachother Mingi crossed their fingers and started walking out of the building. All the way home their holding hands and walked in a comfortable silence. "There we are. You gonna make the tea and I prepare the living room?" "As always, bub." they both smiled and got out of their shoes and coats. The two young men made their ways to their seperated locations. Hongjoong waited for the water to boil, while Mingi was prepareing the sofa. He put a lot of blankets and pillows on the couch, dims the lights and put up scented candles. Also he put on some music that quietly plays on the big TV. Hongjoong kept himself busy by doing the tea. A bit stressed he searchs for his and Mingis matching cups and for their favourite type of tea. "Angel are you ready?" "Just give me another minute. I can't find our cups nor our tea." he answered and Mingi appeared behind him. "Yeah, 'bout that. Seonghwa wanted to throw both away. He said we didn't drank the tea after all. But I replied we do but that there are never here when we drink it. It's our thing so, yeah. Wait I saved it here. Now one will search up here." Mingi said and opened a upper kitchen cabinet. He touched around and then pull out two cups and soon after their favourite tea. "Mingi, you're the best." he older whispered and hug the taller man tightly. "No problem, pup." he whispered back and then they both made their tea and sat down in the living room. They settled down their cups on the coffe table infront of the couch. "Are those the violet scented candles we'd bought together last week?" Hongjoong excitedly said as his eyes lit up and you could see a whole galaxy inside, even if you're in the living room. "Yes, I know you love scented candles so I put them up and lit them." he said with an breathtaking simle to the older. The two were staring into eachothers eyes and getting closer without even noticing. "There's something I wanted to tell you a long time ago. I'm in love with you, Song Mingi. I've always had an wonderfull feeling inside of my heart whenever I saw you and after months of thinking and sleepless nights it cleared out that I was in love with you and still I am. I didn't want to tell you because I thought you would be rejecting me and our friendship would break. I couldn't think about a life without you. So I stayed silent and spent more time with you instead of pushing you away like in every book or FanFiction." he quietly mumbles to Mingi and wiped away a single tear. "Why are you crying, Angel?" he asked quietly and rubs his thumbs on his cheeks. "Cuz we were both blind. I'm in love with you too as long as you with me." he silently sobs and flashed his bright smile at the other, which made Hongjoong also smile. They both cupped the face of the other one with theit hands as they came closer their noses almost touching eachother. "Can I kiss you?" Mingi asked but was shushed by the feeling of Hongjoongs rosé lips on his own. At first the taller was a bit suprised but quickly closed his eyes and returned the kiss. The kiss din't get heated it stayed sweet and pure just like them. As they pulled away from the sweet kiss they shared they both stayed close and smile widely at eachother. "Want cuddles?" Mingi asked softly and rested his forhead against Hongjoongs who was giggling. "Why are you still asking, though?" he replied wit a question and the other male put the arms around the older. "Right, this was a stupid question." he mumbled in the others soft and good smelling hair. "Can we lay down?" "Sure, bub." the brunette agreedand laid down and opened his arms for his Joongie to lay down on his chest. Chuckling he let himself fall on Mingi and a small muffled noise came out of Mingis mouth. They had forgotten about their tea a long time ago. Hongjoong was almost half asleep on top of Mingi until the taller spoke up again. "Joongie?" he softly asked the older and got an muffeld answer. "Will you be my beloved boyfriend?" "Yes!" the younger whisper-yelled at the brunette and gave him a small peck onto his lips and got back to sleep. A bright smile creept on Mingis lips and then he fell asleep as well as his boyfriend.

About half an hour later the others got back from the their separated date nights and saw the to lovebirds laying on the couch deeply sleeping. "Aw, thats so cute and pure." Wooyoung almost yelled but got sushed by his boyfriends lips. "Seonghwa! Not infront of children!" Yeosang said but couldn't care less. "I wasn't going to have sex with that dumbass right here." he snaped back. "Yo, no one said so. Also be a bit quieter." San yawned and took Yunho to their room. "God no! They forgot about their tea again. Man! This is some good stuff but it's cold already." Wooyoung quietly annoyed himself. "Babe, we just have to put it in the microwave. Then we could drink it again." Seonghwa announced and got a big smile from the younger. Seonghwa took the cups carefully to the kitchen and Wooyoung follows behind. "So, are we gonna take care of this two idiots and then go to our room, jjong?" "Mabye?" "Defentily. Come on now." Yeosang mumbled and threw a blanket at Jongho. "That was mean but okay." he answered but still smiled. He lay the blanket on top of his two hyungs and wished them a good night. "Ready to go to sleep?" "Yes!"


I love the words mumbled, yelled, almost and sushed...

i mean they're so beautiful^^

Also sorry for any mistakes!!

English is not my first language and also it's currently 12:35 am...

Why do I write storys when I have to go to school the next day?;-;

And uhm yeah the song Mad at Disney is quiet good and fits perfect to this Os!! (In my opinion!)

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