the shape

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As the next video was loading everyone was still trying to collect themselves, Nana, on the other hand, was still fuming with anger that she couldn't save her grandson from his torture, actually, everyone was. Eri and Kota were still saddened that their father/ brother figure was treated this way just because he failed to keep a stupid ring safe. Kira decided that they would whatcha a Halloween movie, he hoped it was a kid's film and not a horror movie, for everyone's shake.

Kira: ok everyone change the mood, I have decided to show you a Halloween themed movie

Mina: Really?! Are we gonna watch a scary movie?

Kira: Weeeeell I don't know if it's going to be scary or something else, but we're going to watch one because it's Halloween time in my maker's world.

All-Might: Well maybe this will help us forget and get over what happened to Izuku in the last universe

Kira: The remains me where is he?

Ochako: He went to one of the rooms with Eri and Kota to help clear their heads.

Kira: ok, well let me see what the title of this universe is and see if they will be joining us or not

Kira looks at his Toki pad to see what the next universe is, and when the title booted up, 'The Shape'. Aaaaand Kira shut down.

Kira: Nope

Aizawa: Excuse me?

Kira: Nope!

Nana: What do you mean 'Nope'?

Kira: I mean nope as in, nope they will not be joining us, nope to this being a kid-friendly movie, and nope to this fucking machine for picking this universe.

Denki: Gess is it really that bad?

Kira: Bad as in this shit will scare kids and Izuku's soul and minds for life.

Aizawa: Damn that bad

Kira: Well let's get to it, I'll just explain after the viewing.

Haddonfield Illinois 2018, Halloween night.

The screen opens up on a suburban street decorated with Halloween theme decor, the show starts with kids screaming and cheering as they were spooked and given trick-or-treat candy, kids blowing up firecrackers, and kids T-peeing houses. A normal Halloween night.

Nana: This doesn't look too bad, this is just a normal Halloween night.

As two kids, one dressed as a pirate and one as a cowboy with a boom box, discuss what houses they want to trick or treat at they bump into a tall large man as a high pitch sound on a keyboard blares into the room scaring everyone in the room.


Nana: I'm sorry I didn't mean to!

The camera pans up to the man's face revealing that he's wearing a mechanic uniform and an old weathered white Captain Kirk mask, creep and unsettling music starts to play as the man turns and starts walking into a person's back yard.

Shoto: I don't like this at all.

Dani: Same

The man wakes up to the owner's shed as he picks up a hammer then turns heading for the back door of the house, panting over into the house we see a tv playing scream 1 as he set focus on the entrance to the kitchen as an elderly women set a knife down and take her food to the table as the masked man comes into few, inside the house.



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