NOT MY ART. Belongs to cubur_NS

"say, ah." Sasuke ordered. Sasuke hand fed Naruto chicken noodle soup. "I just knew you would catch a cold!" Sasuke lectured. Naruto pouted, and jumped into Sasukes lap. Sasuke did not expect this, and his face turned bright red. Naruto giggled. "Are you blushing?" Naruto teased. "W-WHAT! No!" Sasuke objected. Naruto just chuckled and cuddled Sasuke under the covers. 

Naruto smiled, remembering Sasukes burning red face. Naruto got out of the shower, had had stayed in there long then expected. Naruto pulled himself under the covers and tried his best not to wake the sleeping Sasuke. Naruto fell asleep, remembering what happened 2 winters ago. 

Naruto woke up to see no Sasuke, and no trace of where he went. Naruto glanced at the alarm clock, 10:21. He had overslept. Naruto threw on some casual clothes, and ran out the door. 

"So sorry!" Naruto excused. Yahiko just sighed. "It's okay, Naruto, your only late by 40 minutes. you've done worse before," Yahiko smiled. Naruto nodded, "Thank you," Naruto thanked. Naruto flung his work overalls on, and started sorting out papers. Naruto didn't really have a job, more like volunteer, he got paid 30$ every time he worked. Naruto didn't need, nor want the money. He was volunteering, but Yahiko insisted. Sasuke was almost a millionaire, and he gave Naruto an allowance of 100$ every week. Naruto either saved it, or spent it on groceries. Naruto tried convincing Yahiko that he didn't need the money, but Yahiko wouldn't budge. 

Naruto placed the neat stack of mail in the carrier slot. He made sure the mailman came to take the mail, and then headed to the exit. Task #1, complete. He thought to himself. Narutos volunteer shift was 5 hours long, and the task schedule was divided into 10 sections. 

Naruto made his way to Pickens Park, and headed to Pickens Pond, a large pond streaming with life. Naruto fed the ducks, checked the water temperate, and played with the geese. Though it was only May 2nd, the animals were soaking up the warm sun. Task #2 complete

Naruto walked back to large, half split house on a small hill facing the pond. Konan lived on one side of the large spilt house, and Yahiko lived on the other. Naruto knocked on Konans door. "I waited an hour." Konan grumbled. "Heheh, sorry about that, ready to go?" Naruto asked. Konan nodded, and they walked to the local garden. Since Konan planted thousands of flowers every year, her house is always surrounded by flowers. That makes her a flower expert. Once a month, Naruto would take her to the local garden, so she can check and make sure the flowers are healthy. "Hmm, these Aster flowers seem to be growing quite smoothly, oh! these Azalea flowers are ravishing! These Calla Lilies aren't too healthy..." Konan sighed. Konan bent down, "Hand me the shovel," Konan ordered. Naruto handed her the shovel, and she started readjusting the bulb. Konan then dumped water on the soil. "There, these Carnations, Gardenias, Lavender, Orchids and Tulips are blooming quite remarkably." Konan pointed out. Konan and Naruto then headed back. Task #3 comeplete 

Naruto then drove to the beach. (Naruto is 25, and Sasuke 26) Naruto used tweezers to pick up trash on the beach. Most garbage would wash up overnight, so the sand would be scattered with garbage. The trash collecting crew only came on Sunday. Tuesdays and Thursdays, so in-between, the beach would be fairly dirty. Naruto felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see Kakashi. "Oh, hi Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto exclaimed. "I can take that bag full of garbage and drop it off at the dump for you," Kakashi offered. "Oh, Thanks!" Naruto thanked. Task #4 complete

Naruto went to Konoha Academy, to paint the cement. Naruto gathered a bunch of white paint, and started painting white lines on the blacktop. This took Naruto longer then planned. By the time it was over, paint was splattered all over Narutos overalls. Naruto was sweating, tired and famished. That reminded Naruto he had to deliver Sasukes lunch. Naruto started his lunch break, and headed home. Task #5 complete

Naruto pushed the bright button that represented the floor 12. Naruto knocked on Sasukes office door. "Come in," he heard someone say. Sasuke was sitting in the chair, typing madly. Naruto kissed Sasukes forehead gently. Realizing this, Sasuke kicked Narutos stomach, forcing him to slam into the wall. Stunned, Sasuke did not mean to kick Naruto. Naruto replied to the kick with a scream. Naruto fell to the floor, holding his stomach. Naruto slammed the lunch on Sasukes desk, and stormed out, trying not to slam the door. 

Sasuke kicked me, hard. Like I was a threat. Naruto thought. The thought of what happened, hurt Naruto even more. Naruto shed a tear, and then started sobbing, his stomach hurt, badly, but most of all, he was hurt. 

Naruto flung himself on the couch, hugging a pillow. He sobbed, and sobbed and sobbed. He was in despair. Why would Sasuke even kick me? Naruto thought. Naruto was so blinded, he stumbled on the floor, and hit his head on the cabinet. 

Sasuke sighed. It was early evening, and here he was, sitting at a bench in the mall. Sasuke originally planned to take Sakura here for dinner, but she ran off to buy clothes. "Sasuke-kun! isn't this dress just so sleek!?" Sakura squealed. Sasuke cringed. Sakura was wearing a short extremely light pink dress, with frilly edging. Sakura just giggled and went to check out the dress. Sasuke had been watching her shop for almost 2 hours. "Ohh! Sasuke-kun! There's a shop over there, too!" Sakura squealed. Sakura ran into the shop, and right away, she headed for a blue and green pleated dress. Sakura and Ino coincidently grabbed on to the dress at the same time. Ino usually would have handed the dress over, but Sakura was an exception. Sakura and Ino had been petty rivals for a while now. "This dress is mine, I got it first!" Sakura screamed. "What!" Ino shook. "You heard me! Now scram!" Sakura rudely ordered. Sometimes Sakura reminded Sasuke of a Karen. Ino, taken aback by Sakura's rude and demanding words, decided to defend herself. "Oh, yeah, build board brow!? I think I got it first!" Ino snapped back. "No, it's mine!" Sakura objected. Sasuke, completely disgusted by how the way girls acted, decided to glare at them. I never had any of these problems with Naruto, Sasuke thought. Ino and Sakura stopped bickering, obviously catching the hint that Sasuke was angry. They both stepped back, and Ino took the dress. Glaring at Sakura, Sasuke got up, and walked out. Sakura followed. 

Naruto was awoke by the sound of a doorknob turning. Narutos head hurt. Bad. Naruto got up, and hid himself in the bathroom. He did not want to see Sasuke. Naruto waited for the sound of Sasukes study door closing. The coast was clear. Naruto tiptoed to the door, and dashed out. He wanted to get away. Away from it all. Naruto was running so hard, he did not know where he was going, until he slammed into a tree. Naruto screeched in pain. Naruto looked around, and realized he was in the woods. Naruto sat there for a while, until he realized the sky was dark. How long have I been out? Naruto wondered. Naruto sat up, and started navigating his way through the trees and bushes. 

Naruto was confused. He was walking on a trail, but he did not know which way was front, and which way was back. Naruto heard a faint noise, so he headed towards the sound. Naruto could make out what the sound was. It was the sound of metal hitting wood. Naruto pushed pass some leaves, and he ended up in a small clear area, with no trees or bushes. Standing before him was a familiar face, one he grew up with. "Tenten?" Naruto excalimed. It was no mistake. Tenten was throwing kunai's at a training log. "Naruto!" Tenten smiled. "Thank goodness!" Naruto thanked. "What brings you here?" Tenten asked. Naruto couldn't hold it in any longer. Naruto immediately spilled the tea, telling Tenten everything. Sasuke kicking him, the knife incident and Sasukes coldness towards him. Tenten was shocked, she tried comforting him, but it wouldn't work. Tenten glared at the sky, she wanted to murder Sasuke, but that wouldn't fix a single thing. Tenten just stood up. "Do you want to stay at my place?" Tenten asked. Naruto thought for a moment. I could just sleep in one of the many guest bedrooms, to avoid Sasuke. Naruto thought. Naruto turned down the offer, and then yawned. "I think I'll head back home now," Naruto waved. Tenten just nodded and smiled. "

One Missing Piece: LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora