getting started!

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Its been two months and my son just hit the five month mark so today he has his first check up and aslo finally get to look at apartments! my 17th birthday had finally passed so i am now 17 and me and mom had agreed that i can move out but every sunday we have to come over and have dinner!

I woke up at 7 and changed into a strappless black jumper thar went to my ankles and it showed my back my baby fat has been really going away. i finish up my makeup and then do my hair

"Damien did you get the baby ready" i yelled to him

"Yeah babe " he yelled back

"are you ready" i laugh

"Getting there"

as i finished up i went to put on my black and gold sandles when mom came up

" Are you almost ready sweety" mom smiled walking towards jr

" Yeah mom" i smile" Damien put him in his car seat were heading out"

we got in our car and mom drove with us we drove and as we pulled up mom informed me that he was gonna get two shots on his leg

we signed in and waited

"Michelle Jenner" the nurse called

we all walked in i havent been here since i was pregnant the nurse came in and asked me remove his close and she then laid him on the weigher

"he weights 17lbs" the nurse smiled " everything else is perfectly fine the doctor will be in shortly"

we waited and finally she came

"Hello Michelle nice to see you again" she smiled" and aw this must be the little man "

"Yeah his names is damien" i smile

"Oomygoosh he is starting to look just like his daddy" she chuckled" well lets get started"

after our appoiment mom went to work i and the baby went job hunting with daddy!

"so where should we look first" i ask him

"uh i dont know babe" he looked at me

"hey that little cafe" i chuckle

"at this point ill take anything"

"oh you should go talk to collins dad" i say "he needs welders "

"How much an hour" he asked

"uh i think he said 15.27 and hour" i look at him

"Well what are we waiting for "he laughed

we drove over to collins dads office and luckly he was still there we walked in

"Hello Mr.Barnes are you busy" damien asked

"Oh damien not at all what can i do for you young man" Mr.barnes looked up

"Im looking for a good job and i was told this was the place to go " damiem smiled

"Oh sure here "he handed damien the applacation"fill it out"

we filled it out for a good 15 minutes then we gave it back

"you seem to have a good background everything looks fine to me" mr. barnes smiled" wensday 6:00am come in for training" he smiled

"okay sir thankyou so much" damien shaked his hand

"and since its training you get paid 10.50 an hour but once you come off training your salary will go up" he looked at me" And please call me jim"

"Nice to meet you jim have a great day" i say as we walk away

we then started looking at aparments we first drove to these little condos but they blew our budget and then we found some town homes they were perfect so we called and the retailor said that he could get us into a tour tomarrow at ten. im glad damien turned 18 cause now we can have an aparment

"So you like that town house" damien smiled at me

"I love it babe its perfect three bedrooms 3baths 2living rooms the perfect kitchen beautiful backyard its perfect" i lean in and kiss him

"Dont you think we should look for something smaller" she suggest

"I dont know should we" i look at him

thats when we decided that were gonna look at aparmets so we drove to these aparments called the felino foothills apartments there just like the other town home but smaller it was 3 bedrooms 2 baths a kitchen livingroom and dining room it was also perfect so we called and the manager said shell give us a tour at two tomarrow aswell so with that we drove home and fell asleep

Stupid In Love (Under Major Editing) Where stories live. Discover now