Going home!

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up above is a picture of lil damien jr going home


today i finally get to go home with my son ,damien is driving me home.

"So babe how does it feel to be a mother " he joked

"it actually feels great and you "

"so far so good" he laughed

we pulled up to moms house and there were so many  cars here.

"whats going on" i asked

" i really dont know babe"

we stepped out damien carrying the baby and we walked through the door


"omg this is so nice of you guys" i smile to them" but im really tired if you guys dont mind"

"oh sweetheart your fine go lay down"

me and damien walked up to our room. damien set the baby down on the floor

"wheres the key to the nusery room" damien asked .

"in the plant next to the door"

i take the baby out and i hold him in my arms "I love you my little one" i kissed him on the forehead damien was getting his crib ready for him.

i changed him and then fed him then put him to sleep damien was already passed out and jr was fast asleep for some reason i just couldnt.There was a knock at the door. I walked over to find mom and mr and mrs molina.

"Michelle Mr. and Mrs. Molina came to see the baby."mom smiled

"Oh of course come in" i said leading them threw the door that led to the baby.

"Your nursery is Beautiful" Mrs. Molina said looking around at everything.

"Thanks, Me and damien did it"

"My son did this" Mr. Molina joked

just as we approched the babys crib he woke up.

"when did you have him "

"March 27th 2015" i said proudly but i dont know why i added the year to the end hahaha

"he looks alot like damien when he was born" she smiled "i have pictures ill show you"

as she held the baby for some time damien woke up and came in and just joined us

"Well we must go we have some errands to run" Mr molina said

"Well it was nice seeing you too again"mrs molina smiled " Congradulations on that beautiful baby boy you two have"

she handed me the baby hugged me and then said bye to damien and my mom

as i held him mom lead the molinas out and now it was just me and damien then mom came back up

"Sweety vanessa called from the hotel she wants you to meet her and kimberly for dinner at shellys at 7"

"okay mom thanks"

as i hopped in the shower i told damien to get ready then get the baby ready.

i took a 10 minute shower and came out it was 6:05 so i plugged in my blow dryer and straightner i started to blowdry my hair then damien called me

"Omg damien he looks so cute"

he had the baby in a plain white onesie and little cute jeans and he even combed his hair to the side put lotion on him on he but his black socks on him.

i went back straightned my hair and then did my make up i came out and damien was putting on his shoes

"Dont you look pretty" he looked up to me

"thanks" i went over to my dresser and looked for bottoms

i pulled out these black tights that had white stripes going down and i put them on i then found a white flowy shirt and i put that one on and some black sandles i was ready

"You ready" i smiled at damien it was already 6:40

"Yeah ima put him in his car seat"

i went down and all the kids were fast asleep i qeuss mom made them sleep early i went to tell mom i was leaving but when i went into her room to tell her i saw something i really shouldnt have she was having sex with another man while tom was out on his bussiness trip so i just walked right back out and got in the car

"What did she say"

"Damien i saw my mom having sex with another guy" i looked at him

"Wtf really ima call tom and tell him" he joked

"damien that is not funny"

my phone buzzed and damien looked at me

"Who are you texting" he pretened to be mad

"Nobody" i laughed and i picked up my phone to see who texted me to my surpise it was Kylie i havent spoke to her or my other two friends since i found out i was pregnant they just stop talking to me i felt betrayed cause when i told them i was pregnant they just stopped talking to me so i just ignored the text we went on and met the girls at the diner vanessa was waiting for us outside when we pulled up she went straight dor the baby and picked up his car seat

"I got it if you want me to" damien offerd

"i got it" vanessa said and she lead us to the table but there was a older guy sitting could it be and sure enough it was my dad.

"DAD" i yelled i feel like everyone locked their eyes on me i jumped to my dad

"How have you been sweety" dad smiled

"Ive been good daddy why didnt you come to the house when i got home" i asked

"oh sweety your mom doesnt want me there" dad chuckled

"So" i look at him confused

"so is this the little guy" dad geusterd towards the car seat

"Yeah" i say getting the baby out the car seat

"He is so adorable" vanessa said

i handed him to my dad!

"whats his name" dad asked as he looked at the baby

"Damien" i mutter

dad looked and just nodded we stood there for some time admiring the baby and talking.. it was really nice to be here with my father

Stupid In Love (Under Major Editing) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ