Everyone Knows!

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As monday rolled around the corner i woke up at 6:00 to get ready but as i was about to do my hair i got this weird feeling in my mouth almost tasted like metal before i knew it i had my head in the toilet and throwing up nothing my mom came running as soon as she herd me

"OMG honey are you okay" she gasp "DANIEL! bring me a glass of water and some saltine crackers please"

"OKAY" he yelled back

"Michelle honey are you okay" mom asked "were taking you to the doctors right now because that doesnt look okay"

im fucked i thought to myself

"Mom im fine rea-" i threw up again

"Get dress were going Michelle Marie no ands ifs or buts"

with that i knew she was seriouse i texted damien

OMG my mom is gonna find out about the baby!

wtf why what happened?

shes taking me to the doctors cause i was throwing up and i cant say no

OMG michelle im coming ill meet you there okay

I mean i qeuss haha

after texting damien i threw my hair up in a messy but but decent bun changed into some black tights and a tan lose button up shirt and threw my black flatts on and did simple natural makeup and grabbed my phone , purse and went down stairs to

"Are you ready Sweety" mom said" ill be in the car waiting, Dont take long"

"okay mom"

i really didnt wanna go do the doctors because i was already well aware of what was happing to me. the real problem was my mom she was clueless but by the end of the day she will known and i think thats what scared me most

as we were driving to the clinic which was like 15 minutes away i informed mom that damien was gonna meet us there

"so mom damiens gonna meet me there if you dont mind" i said shyly

"Ohh okay yeah i dont mind at all" she said

we pulled up to this white building and it read Family Clinic and we got out i saw damien through the window he was just sitting down we walked in and he gave me a concern look

"Are you okay" Damien asked

"Uh yeah"i played along

i knew he was acting like he knew nothing and just by his look he wanted me to play along

"Thankyou Damien for coming" mom said with a pleasnt voice

"Michelle Jenner" the nurse called out

"im coming " damien stated

damien me and my mom got up and walked in to the door the nurse pointed us to the little room on the right

"which one is michelle" the nurse referring to me and mom

"i am" i stood up

"okay, michelle ima need you to step on this so we can weight you and check your height"

"okay" i said stiffly

i stepped on the scale

"you weigh 124.1" she said "your height 51/2"

wow hahaha im really short

"your blood pressure is fine"she stated "Why are we seeing you today"she said looked to my mom

Stupid In Love (Under Major Editing) Where stories live. Discover now