The Shocking News!

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hello there short authors note so i hope you guys like everything so far well thanks for reading and sorry if its not so good but do remember this is my first book lots of love


One month later............

Its been a month and so far me and damien were actually doing good hes the best boyfriend and sadly its been a month so me and damien are at the walgreens around the corner from my house looking at pregnancy tests

"Whats the diffrence between all these test they all do the same shit"

"shut up damien" i laugh "its cause theres diffrent brands"

"and so which one are we getting" he asked

"i think ima get this blue box"i say

"you paying for it right" he jokes

we walked up to the cashier and damien handed her the box she gave us this judgemental look which really been making me mad.

"your total is 12.34" she said

"just for one " damien looks at me then we walk to his car

"where should i take the test" i asked

"we can go to my house my mom and dad went some party for my moms boss"

"okay" i said as i kissed him

being with damien has been great besides his crazy ex-girlfriend ashley who has had it out for me since the day she found out we were dating. my friends kylie, veronica,and lucy approved of him and so did my mom everyone else not so happy.

as we pulled up to damiens house i noticed his front yard was filled with plants it was beautiful. we walk in and we go upstairs to his room, gotta give him so credit he is neat and clean this is my first time at his house. he handed me the test and i went in the bathroom

omg please please come out negative please please. i thought to my self

i peed on all three sticks like it said and i laid them out on a paper towel on the counter i open the door to the bathroom

"we now wait five minutes " i say

"damn babe well regardless what happens im here"

five minutes have passed and im scared to see what it says but i know its important i go in the bathroom and look at the test and they all say postitive

FUCKK MANN ! i screamed in my head, i sat on the toilet and damien came in and from my tears on my face im sure he knew

"im pregnant"i sobbed

"babe ..its gonna be fine " hes said trying to calm me " you need to see a doctor babe there this clinic down the street that will look at you without notifying your mom"

"okay"i said in a shaky voice

we show up to this little gray building that had very dark windows we walk in side and the lady at the front desk greets us

"Hello Welcome to Navarrow family medical clinic , please sign in if your new take this packet fill it out and bring it back"

"come on babe you weve got this" damien said softly

we filled out the packet and waited about 30 minutes or so

"Michelle Jenner " the nurse called

i got up hand in hand me and damien walked in together she first checked my wait my blood pessure my ears my eyes

"so what brings you in todag ma'am" the nurse asked

"uh i think im pregnant, i took three home test all were postitive and i just wanted to be comfimed"

"okay the doctor will be in here with you momentarly" she said walking away

we sat in silence for sometime

"thank You damien" i said quietly

"for what michelle"

"for sticking with me and not being a jerk" i say

he just leaned in a kissed me for some time then we herd a knock the doctor walked in

"ima take some blood samples and then some urine samples" she explained to me

i give both and now we sit waiting for here to come back with our results.

she knocked and walked in

"Congrats, michelle you will he s mom" the nurse said sadly

i cried so hard and threw it all i had damien

"Ms.michelle wer gonna have to do and ultra sound" the nurse said" sit back gonna warn you the gel is kinda cold"

she puts that gel stuff on my stomach it is really cold and she starts rubbing this weird thing and she shows me the screem

"you that little peanut right there" the nurse said with a smile

i nodd my head

"thats your baby"

i start crying even more damien hugged me " its going to be okay babe" he whispers in my ear "we got this together"

then the nurse just starts telling soon im gonna start getting cravings and morning sickness and sleepless nights but that it will all go aways soon

"you are currently 4 weeks and 4days " the nurse informed "you need a check up once you hit the 5month mark" she handed me this packet about what not to eat drink what workouts and stuff i can and can not to

"Here a list of places were you can set up your next appoiment if you feel anythings wrong make an appointment when needed"

and with she walked us out and now we were in the car.

"so... whats gonna happen from here" damien asked

"i really dont know damien "

there was a moment of silence

"Are we gonna keep the baby" damien asked with his head down

"Damien why the fuck would you ask me that what the fuck" i said

"Im sorry babe"he said with a shaky voice "its just... nevermind"

"its fine.." i say "im hungry"

"Fatty babe" he chuckled " your not mad at me for saying that"

"No babe im just"i trailed off "im sorry" i leaned in to kiss him

"so preggers where you wanna eat" he joked

"Very cute"i said annoyed

"oh come on babe its a joke"

"whatever damien" i say

we drove to Staceys Dinner around the corner

"Welcome to Staceys Dinner!" she said in a happy voice "Table for two"

"yes please" damien stated

we ate the most delicious food on the planet haha after lunch we sat and just really thought of what we should if we should tell and we finally came to a solution.

Stupid In Love (Under Major Editing) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ