THIRTEEN | a visit to the shrink

Start from the beginning

Well, she had something good alright, confusing but good.
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Jiraiya'a shrink office.
Hidden Leaf.

The man had eaten up every little detail that was given from her about her visions and Deja Vu in their hour session. Time had zoomed past and Jiraiya tried to write down every detail that was given. "Indra and Asura huh?" he then said, before asking. "And you never caught the woman's name in your visions..?" [Name] shook her head no. "It's as if I'm in her perspective..As if I am her?" she questioningly replied to the older man.

"Hm..I think I want to research into this some more before I try to incorporate this..I feel as if it's a mystery in its own.." He then said, causing [Name] to look up at the man with a spark in her eye. "Say um..Sir..why have I never seen you around in Konoha— You seem like someone major here..?" she asked curiously, Jiraiya in return smiled as he answered her question. "I travel a lot..but don't worry! You will see me around more in the coming months..In the meantime, you keep up with those visions..every detail and report to me!"

And without another word, she was dismissed from the office, feeling somewhat of relief that she finally spoke of the mysterious visions without judgment. After leaving the hospital, [Name] found herself senselessly walking down the streets of Konoha. She had made plans later in the day to hang out with her brother, Neji. In the meantime, she wandered the village aimlessly before suddenly coming to a stop upon hearing a familiar voice in the distance.

"Sakura..?" she mumbled out, her eyebrow quirking up as she then heard Naruto yelling along with the voices of a few kids with him. "What the..?" she began speed walking to the scene of the voices, before pausing as she noticed a duo of unfamiliar Genin's among them. They looked intimidating..., and quite frankly too old to be bullying people younger than them. "Yo..!" [Name] called out as she approached her two friends and the trio of kids.

"[Name]!" Sakura & Naruto simultaneously spoke at the arrival of the girl. "What's going on here..?" she questioned, raising an eyebrow at the blonde-haired girl that gave her an intense death glare. She exhibited their headbands, noticing that they were firstly not from the village and were inciting issues. "These jerks here want Konohamaru to apologize again for stepping on his shoe..! He's so full of himself.." Naruto glared at the hooded boy who stared intensely along with the blonde.

Without another word, the hooded boy lifted Konohamaru by his collar and threatened him for another apology. "Apologize now..or deal with the consequences." he lifted his fist towards the boy, Naruto, Sakura & [Name] yelled at the older boy to let him go as he wielded his fist. Before the boy could land a hit on the child, a rock came hurling in the direction of Kankuro, causing blood to be drawn from his hand.

He let go of the Konohamaru unwillingly, clutching onto his injured hand. Looking up at the tree that it came hurling from, a smirk exhibited on [Name]'s face at the arrival of Sasuke. "Nice one." [Name] commented to the boy, who returned a slight nod in recognition. Sakura looked on in awe at the two and their interaction, Naruto on the other hand glared at the Uchiha at his 'show-off' arrival. "How about you two get lost, and stop messing with us. You two aren't even from here..? Imagine making such a commotion for a bunch of tourists."

Before the two could argue back with Sasuke, a new voice sneakily found its way into the conversation, sounding more threatening than the other two Suna-nins. "Oi..Kankuro..., Temari..How about you two stop causing trouble.., You're both an embarrassment to our village." Sasuke jumped in particular to the voice, the Ninja it coming from that looked about the ages of Sasuke and the others. He stood upside down on the tree branch that stood opposite to Sasuke's.

"I—I apologize — Gaara.." Kankuro mumbled out shakily. "Shut up or I'll kill you.." The boy— Gaara then threatened the older boy, the Konoha-nins looking among each other after hearing the threat. Suddenly, the red-headed boy teleported to the ground of the sidewalk where his two partners stood. "Let's go." he commanded to the two of them, both nodding in agreement at his request. "Wait." [Name] called out to them, Gaara turning about at the girls request.

"Why are you here..?" she questioned the three. Without a word, the redhead pulled out a wallet that displayed his Suna-Nin credentials and a paper that read 'Chunin Exams.' "May I ask..what the two of your names are.." he then asked in return. "Well I'm Naruto—" Naruto started before Gaara raised his hand towards him to stop. "Not you. Her and him."

Naruto looked particularly offended upon the correction, especially in the case that Sasuke was continually getting more attention than the Uzumaki himself. "[Name] Uchiha-Hyuga." [Name] responded to the boy. "Sasuke Uchiha." Sasuke then responded, "Hm." Gaara nodded in response to their confirmations. "Gaara." he then responded before walking off.

" two are so cool..! Naruto why can't you be that cool..?" Sakura awed at the Uchiha's, before disapprovingly looking over at Naruto with a head shake. "We need to fix that. Immediately..!"
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Outskirts of Konoha
Hidden Leaf.

"Chunin exams?!?" Naruto excitedly cheered as he looked at the paper Kakashi had given the three for their meeting today. [Name] looked in awe at the recommendation. "Don't get too headstrong Naruto. If Sasuke & [Name] also agree along with this — You will all be qualified as a team. Remember this is a team effort exam." Kakashi emphasized to the three, specifically Naruto & Sasuke as the two were known for their issues.

"Hey..! Don't look at me like that — Sasuke is—" Naruto looked over at [Name], whom gave him a squinted look of suspicion, "Ay, Ay captain!" Naruto then suddenly said, abandoning his insult to the Uchiha out of respect to [Name]. "Well.." Kakashi dragged out, looking down at the imaginary watch on his wrist. "That's all for me. You guys are dismissed." and before the trio could question anything, the man disappeared into the atmosphere.

There was an awkward silence among the three. Naruto stared at [Name] ominously, who stared at Sasuke, who was too busy looking down at the Chunin's recommendation to realize the intense stare she was giving. He flinched after a few seconds though, realizing someone was staring him down. "Naruto..—" he almost assumed before looking up, to realize it was [Name] who was being the weird one today. "What..?" he said in an almost irritated tone.

"Hm..?! Oh..!" she shook for a moment, before looking away and over to Naruto. "Hey um.., Naruto did you want to go to Ichiraku..?" [Name] then randomly asked the Uzumaki, who looked suspiciously at [Name] before his look softened up. "Sure.." he almost hesitantly said. Now it was Sasuke's turn to look at the girl suspiciously, a strange assumption almost came to his mind before he shook it off and began to walk in the opposite direction without saying anything. "Sasuke where are you going..?"

"Home. I'll see you all tomorrow at the Academy." The raven said without context, and before [Name] could ask what he meant, the boy disappeared off rather quickly. Leaving the Uzumaki & Hyuga-Uchiha to their vices. "Well, I guess the day is all ours..! We haven't had time for ourselves in a while haven't we.."

And then that protruding thought occurred to Naruto again, he looked at [Name] before looking back in the distance at Sasuke. It couldn't be...

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so what do you guys think naruto and sasuke are both assuming about [name] 🤔??

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