Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen:

Being back home after four days surprised me. Archer said it would take longer, but Alvin's help made things go faster.

I get off the carriage and head towards Doctor Alfred who was standing just outside the building talking to somebody. He seemed very worried.

"I am afraid that the King is suffering badly. We need to find who did this." He speaks and I realise now that he is talking to my father's guard who goes along with him on his trips.

"I am afraid the King had visited many palaces who served different dishes." Guard Alexander speaks and I frown.

"Do you not eat with my father?" I ask, stepping closer, the flower still covered in the napkin. Guard Alexander looks surprised to see me.

"I do, but not when he visits palaces as he orders me to stay on the ship during that time." He explains and my confusion grows.

"But you are his guard, if you were there then he would not be poisoned in the first place!" I feel my confusion turn to anger and I see the guard lowering his head in shame.

"I understand that Princess, but your father had ordered me, and I do not ignore his orders unless I am told otherwise by the queen." He looks at me, "And the queen is not here anymore."

"I order you to never leave my father's side as I will be the next queen and you will take orders from me here on out." I demand and the guard nods his head, standing a bit taller.

"Doctor Alfred," The doctor stands taller too, respect showing through, "I have found the cure. Do not touch it with your bare hands. Make sure my father gets it in small doses and if I find out you have not done as I say, I will ensure that there are consequences." I give him a stern look and he swallows, "This is my father's only hope, doctor. I need him safe."

"I understand that Princess." The doctor smiles at me reassuringly, taking the cure from me.

"You make sure that everything is done as I have ordered." I look at Guard Alexander and he nods his head. "And tell me where my father was."


My father had visited Ireland two weeks prior before returning.

Archer looks at me and I frown back at him, catching Roan's eyes as well.

"What?" I ask and they look away at the same time. "What is it?" I ask again and Roan peeks at me.

"I never saw you so demanding as you were at the doctor." Roan admits and I sigh. "I have realised that you have been changing for the past few days. Even in the forest."

"As much as I do not want to be queen, I need to be." I say with honest defeat and Archer grabs my hand that was folded on my lap.

"I know it is hard, trust me, I was there too." He smiles at me, "But it will get easier." He promises and I nod my head slowly.

"I'm going to Ireland." I state firmly and the guys looks at me like my head had turned into a dragon head. "What?"

"Why would you want to go to Ireland?" Roan asks and I shrug.

"It could be where my father had been poisoned." I explain, "I'll go and visit them, and find out who it was."

The guys start laughing. Like clutching their stomachs laughing.

"You cannot be serious?" Archer asks with a raised brow and seeing my serious expression he sighs and rubs his face with his hands in frustration. "You have no fear for danger or whatsoever, do you?" He asks with defeat.

"You do realise that whoever poisoned your father will do the same to you?" Roan asks and I nod my head slowly.

"I do."

"And you still want to go?" Roan asks in disbelief, and I nod my head again.

"How else would I find the suspect?" I demand and they both just stare at me. "I'll be careful. I am not a cluts and less afraid."

Roan scowls at my cluts comment.

"You are crazy." Archer states with a straight face and Roan nods in agreement. "But you are not leaving without us."

A smile breaks out across my face, and I pull them both into a bear hug.

"I hate boat trips!" Roan yells from where he is hanging over the edge and I laugh slightly. "I am getting sick of this." He groans and I cover my nose when the awful smell makes it way to me.

"You are already sick." Archer states and Roan just groans again, making Archer laugh again. He slings his arm over my shoulder and smiles down at me. "Isn't it fun having a strong stomach?" He asks obnoxiously and I cover my mouth to stifle a laugh.

"Screw you, Archer!" Roan yells again.

"What are you going to do when you reach Ireland?" Archer asks silently. Roan is sleeping on my lap, and I move a strand of hair from his brow.

"I am not sure yet." I answer truthfully, "I just want to find the coward who had poisoned my father and make sure it does not happen again." Archer looks at the stars above us.

"I just do not want you to get hurt or something to happen to you." Archer admits and I look at him. "I want to make sure that you stay safe."

"Thank you." I whisper and he looks at me, his gorgeous blue eyes meeting mine. He leans in slightly and I lean in too, not too much.

"You are so pretty, Aria." He whispers and I smile shyly. He looks at my lips and meets my eyes again, like he is asking for permission.

I find myself wondering what would happen if we did kiss. I have never kissed anyone before, or even met anyone that I want to kiss until now.

When I come back to reality he has leaned in more and I shut my eyes, waiting on his lips. It is not long after and I do feel them, softly touching mine.

A weird fluttery feeling evolves in my stomach and my brain goes numb. His lips are softer than I expect. I did not know what to expect, to be honest.

Roan moves slightly in my lap and groans. With that we both pull away, still staring in each other's eyes. I can see that Archer is trying to find anything that shows that I regret kissing him, but I do not.

"Are we there yet?" Roan groans and I look down at him. His eyes are still closed.

"No, not yet." I answer and he groans again before falling asleep again.

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