Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen:

Norway is rather cold.

That is the thought I have when I wake up in my guest room and feel the cold air brushing my arms.

I am now regretting wearing this rather thin night gown to bed last night, but with all the adrenaline and excitement of having to visit a new land had me rather warm.

It is supposed to be summer and in Denmark it can get pretty heated.

I get out of bed, regretting it again when my bare feet hit the coldest stone floor I have ever felt.

Well not really, but it feels so.

I quickly grab one of my few winter dresses I had packed and a jacket, with boots to go with it.

It has to keep my warm.

I head out to the courtyard and look around for anyone, but I cannot see any familiar faces. I feel my anxiety crawl up my spine, but it jumps away when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Princess Aria," An elderly woman smiles kindly at me, "I am Maria." I recognize her name from one of Roan's stories, "Follow me to King Archer." She grabs my hand lightly and start pulling me with her.

The throne room look nothing like ours.

The thrones are up against a wall on a small platform with big windows behind the thrones. There is a huge carpet covering the stone floor and against one of the other walls there are a few sofas and chairs. Against the other wall is a dining table with almost forty chairs around it.

Our throne rooms only have the thrones and a carpet.

I see a few paintings of previous kings and queens decorating the room. Just a few I recognise, but I have never met them in person.

"Morning, Aria," Archer greets me from one of the sofas and I smile at him.

"Morning, Archer," I greet back, and he taps the spot next to him. Maria leaves at his gesture and I slowly make my way to him. He is also dressed warmly.

I can see a stubble forming around his jawline. His eyes are shining with emotion and his aura feels warm and welcoming.

When I had taken the seat, he faces me slightly.

"How did you sleep?" He asks, concern in his voice, "I heard that you did not sleep well on the boat ride here."

I shake my head, "That was not what I said, but I slept fine," When I see the worry in his eyes, I quickly change my words, "Good! I slept good." I give him the best reassuring smile I can.

He eyes me for a moment before nodding in acceptance and leaning back in his chair.

"I should have warned you about Norway's temperature." He says, rubbing the back of his neck, "I forget that you have never seen anywhere else but Denmark." I just let out a small chuckle.

"No, it is fine. I should have asked before rushing over here with you." I frown, "Which reminds me that I cannot stay long." I add and he nods.

"Yes, we are leaving in a few minutes. Roan just needs to finish up." I nod my head.

"You are very quiet since the last time I had seen you." Archer remarks, "I can see that everything is weighing you down a bit and I do not want to allow it to get you down too far."

"Why do you care so much?" I ask softly and I can see this caught him off guard.

"To be honest," He starts after a few seconds of silence, "I am not sure, but seeing you upset, upsets me." He admits, a frown on his handsome face.

I accept his answer, not dwelling too much anymore.

Roan finally comes jogging through one of the doors, a broad smile on his face that is so contagious I find myself smiling too.

Hopefully these few days will lighten my spirit a bit.

"Are you sure we are headed in the right direction?" Archer asks for the fifth time as Roan leads with his dark brown horse, Noah.

"Yes, I am sure." He groans, holding the map as Noah shakes his head with a snort, almost like he disagrees with Roan.

We are riding horses and I have met Archer and Roan's horses. They are beautiful beasts, large with muscle. Roan had named his Noah, no idea why. He said that it suited him.

Noah is a large, dark brown horse with prideful struts and a very bushy long tail. He is gentle and majestic, the complete opposite of Roan's personality.

Archer's horse is Adira. She has a grey coat with a white tail. She is graceful and comes off with a strong personality. She walks with elegance but gives off power.

I am leaning on Archer's back, enjoying the moment of horseback riding.

"I doubt it." Archer grunts and I chuckle lightly, looking at the passing trees that has such beauty in them with the sun beams shining through.

"We are already in a forest, so I am doing something right!" Roan defends and Archer shoots him a deadly look.

"A forest, yes, but not the forest." Archer shoots back and Roan stops Noah to face Archer, who stops Adira.

The two horses shake their heads again, almost like they are talking to each other and whining about the idiots guiding them.

"Do you want to lead?" Roan asks and Archer leads Adira until we are next to Roan. He grabs the map from him and turns it around, handing it back to Roan who's face falls.

"I told you we are in the wrong direction." Archer states with a straight face and Roan just throws his head back in frustration before leading Noah in another direction.

Another hour or so passes and we reach a stream where the horses can take a small break and drink the cold water in the lovely stream. I sit down on the grass that is slightly damp, but not too much, watching the horses as they take a few sips before chewing the green grass.

"I am sorry that it took so long." Archer sits down next to me, and I look behind him at a flustered Roan who is still glaring at the map. "We would have been there already if we had not wasted time with getting lost."

"No, it is fine." I smile at him, "I am just enjoying what little freedom I have left if I am not in time to my father." I look down at the grass, picking at a few dry blades.

"You will make it, Aria." Archer says, trying to sound convincing. "Why are you so negative?" He asks gently and my eyes well up with uninvited tears. I just shake my head.

"Because I do not know who had poisoned my father or why he had to get poisoned. My mother had just left us and now I am losing my father too." My voice is thick with the cries I want to let out.

"A king has many enemies." Archer reminds me gently and I look at him. He wipes away a stray tear from my cheek with his thumb and smiles softly at me.

"You made her cry again?" Roan asks, stalking towards us. Archer shoots him a nasty glare.

"I did not make her cry." He mutters out and Roan gives me hand that I take gratefully as he pulls me up, pulling me into a bear hug directly afterwards.

"You sure did."

"Did not and let her go." Archer tries to pry his hands off me, but Roan only grips a bit tighter, not hurting me.

I let out a dry laugh and they both look at me.

"Let's get the cure, guys." I mumble and Roan lets me go, allowing Archer to lead me back top Adira who were already looking at us.

Her eyes stayed focus on whatever she was looking at, but this had alerted Archer as he reached for his sword. He pulls me behind him, so that I am in-between him and Adira.

Roan reaches for his sword too, even though he had admitted he is very uncomfortable with it. He holds it out in front of him as he nears us backwards. When he reaches us, he peeks at Archer who has a very stern face now.

"Show yourself." Archerdemands in a deep voice.

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