"I did not want you in danger." He admits and I frown.

"What danger? The danger that got the king killed?" I demand and my father looks at me, his face seems tired.

"We will talk about this another time." He advises but Archer speaks up again.

"I would actually like to know what you know about my father's death. As a king I need to keep my kingdom safe and the way by doing that is finding out if I, as well as Roan, is safe." My father is quiet, just staring at one of the many portraits on the wall, before nodding his head slowly.

"I do not know who killed your father. I was not there." My father starts and I shoot them a look, which they choose to ignore, "But, your father had written my letters that told me he was being targeted." I frown at his words, "An assassin of some sorts, is how he had explained it."

"An assassin?" I question and my father nods.

"Yes, and the assassin has been watching him for years. Which is why I have not let you out of the kingdom walls, and neither your mother."

"But mother has been out of the castle walls," I speak up, "A few times." My mother rises and quickly steps next to my father.

"Here she goes with her twisted stories again." She whispers, but I am too close to not hear it. "I was just outside in the garden."

"No, you were not." Archer speaks up and my mother looks at him, surprised.

"I knew I saw your face before. You had visited Norway a few times, my father to be exact." She is completely and utterly surprised and my father stares at her in shock too.

"Is what he is saying true?" My father asks her, "Have you ignored my orders to keeping you safe by leaving this castle?" He demanded and she shakes her head.

"No, I would never ignore your orders darling." She says softly and he shakes his head. "Why would this boy say he have seen you then?" She laughs a little and shakes her head in mock disbelief.

"He must have me confused."

"He does not, and neither do I." Roan says as his face dawns in realisation.

"You were one of the many women he had brought home with him. The only difference is, you were neater, and he cared more about you." Roan says with a frown and my mother shakes her head again.

"No, I am queen!" She defends, "I would never sleep around." She looks at my father for help, who only stares at her in disgust.

My father had guided my mother out of the room, and I stayed with the brothers. What a twist. I never thought that my own mother would commit adultery.

"Now we know why your mother was acting strange." Roan says and Archer pours him another glass of water.

"I see that your father would never murder mine, but now I need to find out who had placed an assassin on my father's back." Archer speaks up and turns to face me, his blue eyes once again catching me off guard.

"Your father was scared for your life, and I would be too if an assassin was closer to my family than I think. It explains a lot of questions I had." He comments and Roan nods his head in agreement.

"Your mother, however, is not someone I would want to speak with." I sigh, feeling utterly disappointed that my mother who is Queen, and who rules next to my father, had done such an act.

We did not get along well, but she was my mother, nonetheless.

"I'll miss you, Aria." Roan pouts as he stands near the ship that is going to take them back to Norway. I just smile, trying to fight back the lonely feeling that already wants to set in.

It has been an entire week that the guys had been with me after our incident with my parents.

I have not seen my mother or father ever since then; they are sleeping in separate rooms and even eats in those rooms. Not wanting to see each other.

"I'll miss you too." I admit and he hugs me tightly before boarding. I watch his back and I feel a tap on my shoulder.

Archer smiles down at me, and I smile right back, "Thank you for trying to help. You did a lot." He says and I just shrug.

"I told you my father was innocent." He laughs and nods his head, "That you did." I smile at him.

"Take care of yourself, Aria." He says seriously and I nod my head. "I'll try." I whisper softly and he smiles at me. Those eyes staring deep in my soul.

He leans down and kisses my cheek before hugging me. I am shocked by the kiss on the cheek – he is not a very affectionate guy.

"See you, Princess." I wave as he boards the ship and Roan waves back like a maniac, making me laugh one more time before leaving completely.

Princess AriaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ