17 | Cookies Suck, said the Villain.

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"This is quite alarming," Mona said nervously.

The Gervins Event Hall had that impact on anyone who was preparing to host — well — any sort of event. It was a huge, elegant place, enough for 200 people to be seated. It would have been impossible to book the place if not for the fact that Dennis's father was the manager.

"That is the point," Lucien knotted his hands in front of him, happy as ever.

Mona made a hesitant shrug and walked off to make sure everything was intact.

The front door was wide open, and she did a quick scan of the Masks Here table, which had different kinds of masks for people to wear. The food and drinks corner was ready, and a crowd was already trying to find their way into chairs.

"Okay, I guess this is it," Dennis pulled Mona into the space near the stage, looking proudly at her as if he was going to give her a pep talk. "Do you know what you're going to say?"

"Yes, I think so," she replied, nodding.

Dennis put a hand on her shoulder, almost sympathetically. "You know you don't have to, right?"

"Of course we have to. Don't be stupid," Mona rolled her eyes. "We have been preparing for this for about two months. I did the research, you found the venue, Casper uh, he did nothing, but that's not the point."

"I put him in charge of marketing," Dennis added as if the information helped a great deal.

"And marketing is what I did! Splendidly too," Lucien stepped out of the shadows, regarding the hallway like a proud artist.

"Yeah, there's quite a bit of people," Mona noted nervously. Lucien looked appalled.

"You can't think this is all?"

"There are already about 60 people here, you're telling me there's more?"

"Of course there is! I didn't just do the advertisements in this town, I went to the city too. You're welcome."

Dennis's eyebrow rose the same second Mona's jaw fell.

"Why would you even do that?"

"I thought you wanted to make a real impact!"

Lucien's voice faded into the background as Mona noticed there were indeed more people walking in. Feeling a sudden wave of nervousness, she clutched on the paper she was holding. Dennis saw this and saw fit to interrupt the conversation.

"Hey, hey!" He said so she'll look at his face. "I know this looks scary, and hell it probably is. But you got this, okay? All you're doing is helping these people in the ways you can. It's just a speech."

"It's just a speech," Mona repeated, as if it was her newfound mantra. "Just a speech."

Glaring at Lucien, she climbed the stairs of the stage. It was more terrifying up there. The lights blinded her eyes, but she kept her gaze straight ahead, at a point where it was easy to look.

"Hey everybody!" she said into the mic, taking a look around the masked faces. "I'd say you all look good today, but I literally can't."

Scattered laughter reached her ears, and she felt more confident by the second.

"So this is the first day of Fighting Back, a drug addiction awareness program founded by myself, Mona Rubins, and Dennis Atkins. Among you might be concerned parents, knowledge-seeking citizens, or maybe even some who struggle with the problem themselves."

She paused as she noticed some uncomfortable shiftings in a few seats.

"But that is exactly why everyone is required to wear a mask," she continued. "Our problems do not define us. It can't take us down, and giving yourself anonymity might make the place safer for you to talk."

Mona Liza LiesWhere stories live. Discover now