23 || The Truth

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I don't know how long I've been sitting here for but nobody has come to find me. That's fine if they don't want to find me, I don't want them to find me anyways. They're dumb, I'm better than them. I huff sharply and press my cheeks to my knees. 

I ignore the stings from the cuts I got from the brambles and I don't bother with the gross crud that was sticking in my hair. 

More time passes and I've just about given up being found. The sun starts to set; the bright sun turns to gold and shadows grow longer with the passing minutes. I only look up from the line of ants I had been watching when I hear frantic footsteps crashing towards me. I know who they belong to. 

"TOMMY!" Wilbur shouts seeing me by the tree and pushing through the massive shrub in front of me. 

"Are you alright Tommy? Are you hurt?" he frets as he collapses on his knees in front of me. I scowl angrily. 

"Promise me you won't team with Techno again," I blurt out and hold out my pinky finger. 
"What Tommy-"
"You're meant to be my brother too! You're meant to be my best friend!" I shout and feel tears prick behind my eyes again. I hold out my pinky again and give Wilbur my sternest expression. 

I see him sigh and soften from worry to acceptance. He takes my pinky in his and links them tightly. 

"Alright Tommy, I'll be your best friend."


In the blink of an eye clasped pinkies and forests turned to clasped fists and revolutionary uniforms. Running towards battle turned into running for our lives into a dark dank cave. Jokes turned to senseless maniacal rants. Best friends turned to brothers turned to... I don't even know what we were before he died. 

All I knew was that he wasn't my brother anymore. 

~~~~ Y/N's P.O.V ~~~~

Ranboo and I stare at the village in the distance. 

"Do we go in?" I contemplate aloud. 
"We need a map, Lorelei and Myles didn't have one," Ranboo replies. 

"Why would we need a map?"
"To know where we are."
"Why do we need to know where we are if we don't know where we're going?"
"To see where other towns are."

"Good point," I say finally. 

We take out the cloaks that we'd been given by Lorelei and Myles. Ranboo carefully tucks his tail behind the fabric and walks beside me. We stay silent as we enter the town being sure to keep to the shadows.

The place was completely desolate. Not a single soul was visible, there was no talking, no laughter, nothing. Not even the wind would be so kind as to whistle for us. I peeked out from under my hood at the place we found ourselves in. I squinted at the buildings, they looked like they had been painted hastily. They were all a cool white colour with tiled roofs. 

I bump into Ranboos arm. I give him a questioning look, he only points at the wall of a building in front of us. In blood red, the symbol of the dark army had been painted. 

This was an occupied town. 

I curse under my breath and we look around for any sort of building we can enter, but all around us were houses. 

Forget-Me-Not (dreamxreader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin