chapter 61: charlie

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a/n ok im gonna be totally honest I had no clue I basically made charlie swan until I went back and re read it and I'm dying lmaoooo but this one isn't hot ok, he's got a gut and stuff so plz bear with me

and should I be generous on Halloween with a small chapter dump? some shit goes down...  (¬‿¬)

I appeared in a small alleyway near the house and followed the map my mom had sent me on how to get there. It was very green and full of trees. The house was down a hill hidden in the greenery. It was quite pretty with the sun and flowers, but sort of eerie. I took a deep breath as I walked up the steps to the porch. There was an old dark blue Mercedes parked in the driveway along with my mom's car. I gently opened the screen door and knocked on the old oak door. It opened rather quickly and my mom waved her hand "Ahhh my baby is here!! I'm so glad you made it!" She squealed, pulling me in for a hug. I furrowed my brows at her behavior, awkwardly hugging her back. "Yeah its good to see you." I smiled and she pulled me in, "Come on now lets show you the house." She shut the door behind us and began giving me a tour. It wasn't as bad as I thought, it had original woodwork and wallpaper in the kitchen. It was a one story and she showed me across the house to my room and the guest room. They were pretty decent sizes but my favorite part was the sunroom. The walls were all glass that looked into the forest. Sun shining through the trees and into the room. "It's very beautiful mom" I said smiling and she nodded, "Yes it was a bitch to fix up but I'm not upset!" I nodded, setting my stuff down on the bed, I enlarged it looking around before I did. She saw the sudden appearance of the luggage and just looked away. "So where is this Charles?" I asked walking with her to the kitchen. "Well why dont you go meet him hes in the garage!" I screamed internally. The last thing I wanted was an awkward encounter with this man without my mom being there to make conversation. "Which by the way, does he know...about me?" I asked quietly. She was quiet for a moment and got visibly uncomfortable, "Um no I don't think he should know." I nodded and looked around. There were hardly any photos up, and the few there were on the mantle and walls were of her and Charles. "Does he know about Connie? I mean I don't even see her photos. Or my photos for that matter." She tensed up and looked over at the photos on the wall, "Um no.." she said quietly. "What she just never came up?" I asked in shock, she shook her head and sighed looking down. "Can we not do this right now?" she said rubbing her forehead, "Do what mom? It's just surprising to me that you're engaged to this man and he doesn't know about her. "I just couldn't bring myself to talk about it ok." I understood it was rough and that my mom had to deal with another kind of grief, but this just didn't feel right to me.

I walked past her and headed to the garage to get this meeting over and done with. I walked in and saw a man working on a motorcycle, surrounded by tools and a workbench. He was an interesting looking man. A thick mustache was over his top lip along with thick eyebrows and thinning hair. He was muscular but a little husky and his hands were covered in black grease. "Well hello there! You must be Y/n." He got up from the ground and wiped his hands off before extending one to shake. I awkwardly accepted with a small smile. "Yes you must be Charles." he nodded and waved a hand, "Oh please call me Charlie." he had a wide smile with wrinkles from years of laughter and kind eyes hidden beneath the bushy brows. "So you got kids Charlie?" I asked looking at the motorcycle, "I got one, but he's out of the house." I looked around and stood there in the awkward silence. "You like bikes?" he asked and I looked down at it. "Cant say ive ever gotten to know them." I smiled kindly and he rubbed his head awkwardly, "Well I saved this one from a buddy of mine, and ive been working on it so me and your mom can take rides through the neighborhood. It's very nice down these roads." I smiled at his kind thoughts and genuine attempt at small talk. "Yeah it's very lively.." he laughed and got back to working on the bike. "Is that your mercedes? It's gorgeous." he smiled and nodded at my comment, "Yup I fixed her up too. She was my first big project." he grunted as he tweaked with the motorcycle some more. "Well i'm going to head back inside, but it was nice meeting you." I smiled and he nodded nervously. "Yeah you too." I sighed as I walked back in. God that was rough. "Well he seems like a great guy." I said to my mom who was starting dinner. "Yeah he is." I leaned on the counter watching her. After a moment of silence she spoke as she cut some potatoes. "Are you still seeing someone?" she asked nonchalantly. I sighed at her choice in words. "If you are talking about Draco then yes I am." She got quiet and put them in the boiling water on the stove. "You know his family are not good people Y/n." I nodded "Oh believe me I know his family well. Who do you think I celebrated my birthday with?" I could tell she wasn't happy about that but she knew better than to say something. She made no effort to make plans. "I'm going to go set up my room." I said leaving the tense setting and going to do just that. I had shut the door and used magic to put everything in its place. I didn't have anything else to do and I would rather not sleep in the guest room. It was almost time for dinner and I headed out to see if my mom needed any help. I heard her and Charlie bickering and waited til he went and sat down before coming out. "Hey, dinner is almost done, can you set the table?" she stated more than asked and I just nodded. Grabbing some napkins and silverware. Charlie was watching some sports team and I took my time setting them down on the table.

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