chapter 3: black dress shoes

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It was definitely a lie, I don't think I could ever be ready to start a new life all alone, but I had Dumbledore so I guess I wasn't completely alone. But it didn't change from the fact I still felt alone. Part of me was still upset about my father. He didn't even look at me, and I know he blamed me partially for everything that's happened. But he was out of my life now and I had bigger things to worry about. Like walking into this school without dying. Dumbledore headed in and I followed closely behind my luggage levitating behind me. I took deep breaths and looked in awe all around me. "Now since it's late I won't be giving you a tour as of right now, I'll just get you situated in your temporary room until tomorrow." Dumbledore said softly, looking down at me gawking at the gorgeous building. I told myself to look away and just focus on my actions. I didn't want to grow to like this place. I missed Beauxbatons that would always be my home. I wasn't gonna let this school's extravagance trick me, Beauxbatons was gorgeous and elegant, but Hogwarts was a different kind of elegance. Somehow it felt more, comforting and warm.

    I shook the thoughts away and smiled up at Dumbledore, playing it cool. "Sounds great!" I responded. "Wonderful follow me then." he said walking down the hall. "Tonight you will just be sleeping in my quarters. I hope you don't mind but don't worry I have a guest room attached so you will have your own room and privacy." he said cheerily. "Wow thank you Dumbledore that's very kind I would have been okay with just crashing on the couch haha." I said lightly laughing. "Oh merlin no, I would not have my goddaughter sleeping on my couch, it's very uncomfortable." he said with a joking tone. I smiled and followed him to his quarters. We approached a gargoyle that was perched in front of us. I kept my eye on it worried it may move or be alive or something. He whispered a phrase that I couldn't understand and it moved aside to reveal this very odd almost circular staircase that was moving it seemed.  He walked up it with ease and looked back at me, visibly confused as to how I was supposed to walk on it without being thrown back down. "Don't overthink it my dear, just walk" he said kindly. I did as he said and just kept my eyes forward and walked up on it. Hmm how peculiar. "What did you whisper to make the gargoyle move?" I asked, curious. He just looked at me and smiled. I took that as, "it's a secret and I am not going to tell you hehe". I followed him into what I assumed was his office.

    I stood in awe looking all around at the most extravagant headmaster office I had ever seen. "Holy crap" I said, amazed. "Yes it is quite nice" he said with a small smile. "Quite? More like I could live here." I joked looking back at him noticing he had walked across the room and behind his desk. "Come," he said and I followed walking around his desk and chair. "Now back here" he said, opening a door to reveal a small but comfortable living quarters, "is where I sleep and if you come over here" he walked past his bed and to a bookshelf. He removed a rather large book and it revealed a small doorknob. He opened it up and it revealed a very cute guest room which looked to have been done up just for me. "This is your room for tonight." he said cheerily. My luggage flew past me and landed softly on the bed. "Now since it's late I won't waste anymore time and let you get your rest" he smiled. "Thank you so much this is perfect. Thank you for..everything" I said with a genuine tone. I walked over and gave him a hug, it was more than just a thank you hug. I was so glad to see him and not be alone. Someone to watch over me and make sure I was ok. It felt nice to have a parental figure here with me in this new strange place. He let out a light chuckle and patted my back. "Now I will be right in the next room if you need me, that door right there is a bathroom if you need to shower or anything of that sort. He said kindly while walking to the door. "Ok great thank you, goodnight" I said walking over to my bed to put my shoulder bag down. "Oh and y/n" he said and I turned to face him again. "I'm here" he said softly and walked out shutting the door behind him. It was almost enough to make me cry. It was so nice to hear those words. They comforted me so much to know I would be able to do this on my own but have someone for guidance. I smiled to myself and opened my suitcase getting out my pajamas and toothbrush. I got changed and put my day clothes back into my suitcase, hanging my coat and bag on the bedpost and putting my shoes at the door. I went into the bathroom shutting the door behind me. As I turned the faucet on I looked into the mirror. Brushing my h/c from my face and putting a headband in. I washed my face with the warm water and dried it off with the soft hand towel that was hung next to the mirror. I wet my toothbrush and brushed my teeth. Rinsing my mouth and wiping off the excess toothpaste and left my toothbrush there to dry. I exited the bathroom  and went and sat on the bed. I sat there and admired the room. There was a small window above the headboard that was too dirty to see out of. I used my sleeve to wipe a small circle and I looked out.

    I couldn't see much since it was dark but I could make out a few trees here and there. Hmm. I layed down and got under the covers. I closed my eyes and layed there trying to fall asleep. I looked over at the clock on the wall and it read 10:45. I looked back at the ceiling and then turned on my side, closing my eyes once more trying to clear my thoughts and fall asleep. After what seemed like forever I had no luck. I mean I did sleep nine hours on the train so of course I wasn't going to be able to fall asleep. I looked back at the clock and it now read 11:20. I sat up reaching over into my bag and pulling out my wand. I whispered a quiet "Lumos" and my wand lit up lighting up the whole room. I sat and stared at it not knowing what else to do. I held it up and began making shadow puppets on the wall. After a rabbit I began to feel silly, but I excused the childlike behavior because I didn't know what else to do. All of the sudden I started to hear a door. But it wasn't mine and it sounded farther away than Dumbledores. Then I heard muffled voices sounding like they came from his office. I whispered a "Nox" and my wand went out. I slowly and quietly got up and walked over to my door, pressing my ear to it but not having any luck in hearing better. I contemplated it for a moment and turned away back to my bed, I shouldn't, that would be an invasion of privacy. One of the voices grew louder and I then heard Dumbledore say to quiet down. I looked at the door. Well we all know im gonna do it. I have no respect for my morals. I tiptoed to the door and quietly and slowly turned the doorknob. As quiet as I could , I opened the door and peeked into his quarters, not seeing him but seeing the light from his office casted from under his door. I tiptoed over to that door making sure to not hit anything and breathing through my mouth to be as quiet as possible. Last thing I would want is to be caught eavesdropping on my first night in the castle. I gingerly pressed my ear to the door and stopped breathing to try and listen. "I think she will excel wonderfully here! You don't doubt my beliefs do you?" I heard Dumbledore say, surely he wasn't referring to me. "Of course not Albus, I just don't know if it's the best idea for her to be my student!" I heard a strange deep velvety voice say. Who does this guy think he is? Why wouldn't he want me in his class? "And why is that?" I heard Dumbledore respond calmly. The man paused and cleared his throat. "You know why." he retorted. The fuck does that mean I thought. My heart picked up speed as I began to grow very concerned and confused. "I think you are overreacting, she will be just fine." Dumbledore assured the man. I stepped back and layed on the floor trying to look under it. I laid my head on the cold stone floor and peaked through the small crack. All I could see was two pairs of shoes. Ones that were obviously Dumbledore's that were blue and had some light floral pattern and another pair of just black leather dress shoes. They continued talking but I zoned out staring at the pair of shoes. Hmm I took a mental note and got up off the floor. However when I was pushing up off the floor the rug my feet were on moved slightly and caused a small table to move and hit the wall with a thump. My eyes grew wide as their conversation came to a halt. "I thought you said she was asleep" the deep voice snarled. I didn't take any chances and sprinted back into my room closing the bookshelf door behind me as quietly as possible and jumping to the bed pulling the covers up over me and facing away from the door. My heart was beating so fast I could hear it in my head and feel it in my chest. My breath was ragged trying to catch up to itself. I heard his bedroom door open and heard him walk in and around it. I could hear him pause for a moment outside my door and then exit his room closing his door behind him. I heard them exchange a few more muffled words and then heard what I was assuming the black shoed man leaving his office and Dumbledore returning to his bedroom. I closed my eyes trying to be still just in case he came to check on me. I continued to fake sleep until it eventually caused me to drift off and finally fall asleep.

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