chapter 48: poker

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All the professors throughout the day were fairly light on work, welcoming the students back and just giving us assignments in class. I guessed Snape wouldn't be doing the same, so as Draco and I walked to his class, hand in hand, we discussed the possible outcomes and solutions for my gift giving. As we walked by Severus' desk to get to our table in the front, I looked around for him. We sat down and I got all my supplies out. Soon before the bell rang Severus came bursting through the doors walking through the aisle of tables, a large dramatic effect. He turned sharply at the front and gave us his usual stare. "Page 484." he drawled out in his deep voice. We all quickly turned to it and Draco and I sighed when we saw he was having us brew a potion on the first day back. We gave each other a look and started reading the instructions as Snape stomped off to his desk. I went and got the cauldron while Draco got the ingredients like usual. Meeting back up at the table and reading the instructions once more. "So are you still having lessons with Snape?" Draco whispered as he added the first ingredients. I looked up at Severus, " I'm not sure we never said no but we did say act normal." I said shrugging and stirring.

We managed to brew the potion with no disasters, only a few snarky comments from Professor Snape. I decided I was going to go see Snape after dinner. I told Hermione and Draco and they were currently talking about what I should say as we ate. I ate some sweet potato as Hermione talked about just dropping it off. "I don't know what if he thinks I'm childish for that." I questioned, "I don't think you should converse with him, it never ends well." Hermione stated, I looked at Draco and he nodded. I looked up to the teachers table and saw Snape leaving early like he does most days. Probably to go make more assignments. I looked over at the rest of the crew and noticed Luna and Ginny talking. Ginny was rambling on about quidditch and Luna's eyes just sparkled as she watched her speak. I smiled to myself and paused for a moment. I looked over at Ron who was stuffing his face with a roll. "Ron what did Ginny say her patronus was again?" Ron paused and swallowed, "A horse I think." he said, drinking his pumpkin juice. I smiled to myself and continued eating. We all talked some more and dinner came to an end quickly. I left when everyone else did and went down to the dungeons, taking my time talking with Draco and getting the gift from my room. I finally split off once everyone was pretty much in their rooms or studying.

I headed to Snape's room ignoring if I did see someone. I noticed his door was shut, which was not unusual, but I hoped he wasn't out or in his room. Before I got close enough, it opened and out walked Lucius. He paused and looked at me glancing over my appearance, I just had my uniform on. He walked over to me, his staff knocking on the ground. "Good evening Sir." I said with a small smile as he approached me. "What are you doing over here little one? Paying Severus a visit are we?" He said his smile dropping slightly and his brow raising. I held the box in my hands. I had found a black box with silver ribbon to put it in. "I was just giving him a birthday present." I said softly. "Oh? Because you're just so considerate aren't you pet." I smirked looking down and hiding my reddening cheeks. "I should go now, Goodbye Mr. Malfoy." I said walking around him." Remember what I said Ms. L/n. He said stopping me with his staff across my stomach. "I remember. See you around." I said brushing my arm against his and walking into Snape's room. I heard him scoff out a laugh and walk down the hall. I looked over at Snape who was at his desk in the middle of grading papers. I had the present behind me. He was looking up at me with an annoyed and disturbed look. "Sorry to interrupt." I said smiling, walking in slowly. "Toying with Lucius Malfoy and dating Draco are we?" He requited without being provoked, I rolled my eyes and walked up to his desk. "I can tell he really gets to you, he's a very bad man you should know." He added as I approached him, he continued scribbling away. "He doesnt get to me." I said in defense. "You sure do listen to him well, you never do a thing I ask of you." he scoffed not looking up. "Ok where is all of this coming from?" I asked, waiting for a response, "He's my boyfriend's dad, I have to be nice to him. And unlike you he doesn't constantly yell and offend me." I continued and he gave me a look slowly standing from his seat. I rolled my eyes at the theatrics, "I wouldn't have to yell if you weren't so difficult and disrespectful." I sighed looking up at him as he spoke. I placed the gift on the desk in front of him that he was now leaning over. "Happy Birthday Severus." I said, smiling sarcastically. He looked down at the gift and then back at me, slightly confused, and slightly annoyed. "Who told you?" he said in his normal cold tone. "I can't remember." I smiled. He looked down at it and picked it up. "Open it." He unwrapped it slowly and opened the black box, pausing for a moment when seeing the malachite case. He cautiously opened it and investigated the contents. Picking up a vial and holding it up. "Where did you get this?" He furrowed his brows. "Some shops in town." I laughed. "Y/n do you know what this is?" His voice was deep and confused. "I'm pretty sure it's a replica dont worry." He looked at me for a moment and then just nodded, putting it away and down on his desk. "Thank you Ms. L/n." he said with a neutral face. It looked like he wanted to smile but he didn't. "You're welcome. I was wondering if we are still going to have potions tutoring. I still need those extra lessons." He paused and thought for a moment, "If you insist." He agreed as he stood up straight. "Any birthday plans?" I asked nicely. "No, is that all? I'm very busy." he drawled out and I nodded. "Fine, Goodbye Professor." I huffed turning and walking to the door. "Thank you, Y/n '' he said calmly before I left. I smiled and headed to my room.

I just left the common room after hanging out with Draco and telling him about the interaction with Severus. Leaving out the conversation with Lucius. I walked over to my bed and sat down sighing at the time, eventually I got ready for bed and layed down. It seemed like I was laying there forever, never drifting off into sleep. I looked over at my clock it read three o'clock. Gosh I need sleep. I wish I could sneak in some melatonin or better, weed. Either would always make me sleepy. I sat up and grabbed the schedule from my bag, slipping on my slippers and putting my robes on over my pajamas. I studied where the teachers were and remembered what I told Draco. "Probably shouldn't go to the astronomy tower." I mumbled to myself in the common room. I realized Snape was monitoring the dungeons but his shift ends at 3:35am. "Hmm." I decided to listen for him and leave when he was at the end of the hall. The dark also helped to conceal me. I didn't really know where I was going. But if I could, maybe the Library. I made my way out of the dungeons and looked at the schedule. Library is being watched by Professor Trewlaney. Well sometimes she can be easy to slip past. But with Snape still on duty I wouldn't wanna risk making a ruckus. I slithered along the walls and made my way outside. Good thing I wore my robes because it was freezing. Luckily it wasn't currently snowing. I made my way to what I guess would be the outside of the slytherin house.

I stopped over on the pavement under an awning. "What are you doing out here alone?" I heard a man's soothing voice speak out. I felt him approach and heard his staff tap on the rocks. "What no pet names?" I responded, a little too casually. I saw him snap his gaze over to me. "Do you not remember who you are speaking to?" I heard him say in an angry tone. I quickly felt all my confidence shoot back down. I didn't respond still not wanting to give into this man. "What no pathetic remarks?" he spat down at me. I kept my gaze on him. Not wanting to let this uptight asshole win. He stepped forward and set his staff in between us. Gazing down at me and admiring my face. I could certainly feel the heat spread through my chest and stomach. I hated he got to me and I hated Severus was right. But I could almost barely think of Severus with Lucius towering over me. His sly blue eyes traveling over my face and body. "Such a pretty thing, such a waste of potential dating my son." he growled, raising his hand to brush hair from my face and trace a finger sharply across my jaw. "I care for your son very much Sir." I said calmly but with assurance. He raised a brow at the name and let a small smirk take his face for a moment. "And yet you have not given yourself to him hmm?" He was playing his cards all too well. He knew every point and how to deliver. I reddened at his comment and looked down for a moment. "No we aren't at that point yet." I responded casually. He stepped even closer, moving his staff in between my legs, I could feel it brushing my inner thigh. I looked over his face, avoiding his evil eyes. I wasn't sure what to do. "You have two choices, little girl." he spoke out softly but confidently to me, keeping his eyes locked on mine.  He smirked, keeping his posture straight "You can go back to your dormitory, or you can stay here with me."  

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