"If the Pres says Toman is cool, then Toman's cool." The bi-colored teenager uttered, grinning. Beside her, Miko rolled her eyes.

"You and your sister are far too trusting." She grumbled, folding her arms over her chest, "You rely on Miss President too much and it clearly shows."

"Says you." Haruka retorted, poking out her tongue like a child, "You gave her a nickname. You said you never do that unless you trust the person."

All the members of Yokai addressed Y/N differently. While Miko and Nino preferred to call her by her given name, the other three referred to Y/N as nicknames.

Aiya called her 'Boss', Miko called her 'Miss President' just to tease her, and Haruka called her Pres. It was annoying at first but, after a few hours, Y/N adjusted to the new change.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Mitsuya questioned. A few meters away from Yokai, the Toman captains plus Y/N and Chifuyu were discussing how to introduce the girl gang without trouble. After all, females weren't exactly welcomed into organizations such as Toman. Y/N was only an exception because she was friends with a few of the members. But, ever since she stabbed them in the back, most of the Tokyo Manji Gang, to put it simply, hated her.

"Well, we need to tell 'em something." Draken muttered, "We can't keep 'em in her dark. Plus, Toman already knows Mikey teamed up with Yokai. It's just a matter of... breaking the news to them that Y/N is the leader..." They all glanced over at the female who was trying to pry Mikey off her. His face was buried in her chest while his legs were wrapped around her waist, holding on tightly. They all sweatdropped at the scene.

"Manjiro!" Y/N shouted, "Let go of me before I break your fucking skull!" Mikey refused and, in the end, the H/C-haired girl gave up.

She just stood there, scowling, while her hands supported Mikey so he wouldn't fall. Smiley snickered but immediately shut up after receiving a harsh glare from Yokai's leader.

"It's clear that they won't accept me so there's no point in breaking it to them gently," Y/N muttered, eyes drooping lazily.

"Don't say that." Chifuyu pitched in, "They just need... time." He smiled sheepishly. Y/N sent him a deadpan look, an eyebrow arched.

"Don't worry, Y/N-chan," Mikey smiled, "Toman will listen to me. Anyway, have you ever thought of getting a piercing? A tongue or belly one would look good on you." He innocently beamed.

"Manjiro!" Y/N screeched, "Enough with those thoughts! Perverted thoughts, be gone!" She slapped the back of his head but he only laughed.

"They would look good on you though, Y/N." Mitsuya offered her a gentle smile.

"... Why are you guys being so nice to me... you're creeping me out. I thought you hated traitors." Y/N frowned, not understanding a thing.

"Well, we talked it out and we decided that..." Chifuyu trailed off. He rubbed the back of his neck.

"We decided to forgive you." Draken finished, "At first, we weren't so sure. But, then Mikey told us about your little plan to form a girl gang. We had a discussion and came to the conclusion that it wasn't your fault. You were manipulated, gaslighted, and too blinded by Hanma to see the truth." Y/N bit her lip, lowering her head.

"Aw, is Y/N-chan gonna cry?" Mikey teased, grabbing her chin.

"Huh?! I'm not crying, you bastard!" She exclaimed, swatting his hands away, "My eyes are just sweating!" Smiley chuckled. "I guess... you are right though... I was somewhat blackmailed. Jij- I mean, Shuji and Tetta lied to me and they broke their promise. It's just that... Shuji has been with me for so long... I thought following him would be the right option... But, it wasn't. And, it ended in Keisuke's death," Tears welled up in her eyes, "And now... Nira's gone... Ash is next... I don't want to lose anybody else... I... I was just... so stupid to believe that they would actually keep their word." She sniffed and let out a yelp when Chifuyu suddenly launched himself at her. He embraced her, arms wrapped tightly around her waist. Mikey pouted but joined in on the hug anyway.

"Group hug!" Smiley exclaimed, running towards Y/N. She gasped as he threw himself at her much like Chifuyu had done. Mitsuya smiled as he slowly joined in.

"Hey, Y/N, whatever you're going through, whatever trauma you're dealing with, let's sort it out together." Draken grinned as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

A warm feeling bubbled up in Y/N's chest as she quickly blinked away the tears that were threatening to spill. However, one droplet of water managed to escape. It dripped down her cheek and her bottom lip trembled as she tried to keep it all in.

"Thank you," She muttered, "Thank you for giving me a second chance. I... I won't disappoint you."

And, for the first time in a few months, Y/N actually felt secure as she stood in the arms of her former friends who were more than willing to forgive her for her past crimes.

There was a famous saying that went along the lines of 'a house may be built with walls and a beam, but a home is built with love and dreams'.

Well, this was it, this was where she truly belonged.

A/N : THIS CHAPTER WAS SO HEARTWARMING, OMG. Anyway, I feel like my word count isn't good enough lol. I feel like the chapters are too short but... I'm lazy. So, will I do anything about it? Nah.

 So, will I do anything about it? Nah

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