I Am Nothing

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I guess I was naïve to think I would get a day of your time.
That I could be on the same level as your high school friends and your family.
That I could have at least 24 hours of your two weeks.
Who am I but an old high school crush? My sophomore & your junior year was exactly four years ago.
Who am I but the girl you slept in bed with 6 months ago? I should've made you sleep on the couch.
Who am I but the girl you promised to see, to kiss, to intimately love for the past 24 weeks? The girl who was going to give her body to you.
Who am I but the one you had late night phone calls and facetimes with?
Who am I if I'm not your 'girlfriend'?
Who am I if I am unlabeled?
Who am I if I am so easily hidden?
I am nothing to you.
I am nothing.

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