How Did You Let Him Go

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His ex and I run in the same circles. And by that I mean we used to be involved in the same clubs and classes growing up and now attend the same 46,000 person university and our sisters are friends. She runs into me in the crowd and we make awkward small talk (at least awkward for me). The whole time I'm nervously trying to read her to see if she knows about him and me. Just a week ago, he confessed his heartbreak to me on the couch and then loved me in my bed. Just 7 days ago I kissed the lips of a man she used to kiss for two years.
I used to look up to her intelligence and beauty but now I just see a façade. I kind of laugh at the thought that his average kissing is what she met her lips with for a couple years but I bite it back.
I look into her large brown eyes and imagine the universe where I was with him instead of her. How I would've never undressed another body while promising myself to him (twice). In those months I would taught his tongue a more adventurous and enticing language.
The most pressing thought on my mind is: how could she ever let him go?

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