~ 5

51 1 0

-dunno... whatcha want me to say?-

-i want you to let me show you that

I'm not too bad of a boy-


pick me up at 8?-


can't wait-

-hopefully ur right-

-with what?-

-that ur not too bad-

-dontcha like bad boys?-

-dunno....bout to find it our with u

sleeping now

nanite -

-sweet dreams hun

x x-


After those texts I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

I was too excited. He invited me to dinner. Is it a date or just as friends?

Wasn't too sure. I woke up Jayma, who was sleeping in her bed in the other corner of the room. I threw a pillow after her.

'Are you fucking kidding me?', she yelled.

'Harry texted me.', I said excited.

'Why? What happened?'

'He wants to take me out to dinner tomorrow!'

'Seriously? Hopefully you said no!', she said pissed.

'Of course not. Why would I?', I asked

'Because he wants to have sex with you and that's it.', she said.

'And what if it's just about friendship?', I asked.

'It's your decision, love. Just don't let him hurt you, allright? Now I really need my sleep. Sweet dreams. Love you.', she said.

It was sweet how she wanted to protect me. I mean we're extremely close. Just like sisters. But there is nothing she knows about him, that I didn't know, right?

I hope so.


The next morning, I got ready as usual and we got into the car.

The driver took us to the management where we were working with the boys.

I didn't tell the other girls about my date. Jayma clearly took away my good mood about it. 

When I arrived, I didn't know how to act around Harry.

But I didn't had to do anything. Management was angry.

'Girls? Today we don't have too much time. We need to leave early because BBC Radio 1 wants a spontanious interview.', he said pissed. 'So don't waste time. Start rehearsals now, please.'

'Alright. Pair up and go in seperated rooms.', the producer said.

We didn't even sit down. Harry looked at me and we went to the bathroom again.

Before he closed the door, Julia came in.

'Lee? Can I talk to you?', she asked.

I looked at Harry. He wanted to leave us alone.

'No....you can stay.', she said.

'Okay. What's the matter hun?', I asked.

'Niall asked me out today. Is it okay to date your colleague?'

Isn't it ironic?

'Julia. Do what you want to do! I didn't tell you, because it was too early in the morning, but Harry asked me the same. It doesn't matter if Niall is your colleague or not. We all know you want to go out with him. So do it.', I said.

'You two are dating?', she asked smiling.

'We're on a date tonight. And now go to Niall and say yes.', I said.

How to tame Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now