Chapter 2

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The amazing cover was made by bnoxmian

"Alex, it's good to see you again." He said coming up to me giving me a hug.

The nerve he had. To shed some light on the situation, he was an agent that I had dated in the past. I had hated him for years, but now when he hugged me I felt the urge to hug him back. When we broke up, I cried for 3 days straight and I didn't even want to eat. Luke had to practically force me to eat ice cream. It was either ice cream or I didn't eat at all.

I looked over at Luke who was clenching his fists at his side. Ever since Jackson broke up with me, Luke has hated the thought of the guy. Luke is very protective, especially when it comes to me.

Then, Jackson did the most unexpected thing; he gave Rebecca a hug. This should be known by all the people of the world; never touch Rebecca. She reacted in less than a second. By the time I blinked Jackson was in a painful arm lock with Rebecca sitting on his back, his arm bent at an odd angle.

"Don't touch me Harris, ever." She said. She let go of his arm, letting it go back to its correct place. He stood up and started to rotate his shoulder to ease the pain.

"That has been noted," he said with a slight smirk. I mean the nerve of this guy. First he comes into the academy that I have been at since I was 10, he hugs me, hugs Rebecca, and has the nerve to smirk.

"You would think you wouldn't mess with my cousin after you broke my sister's heart," Luke said walking up to Jackson. He grabbed Jackson by the front of his shirt. I knew this was going to a bad place.

"That is enough from all of you," Our principal yelled slamming her hands on her desk while standing up. Luke dropped Jackson's shirt with a look as if he had a second thought. Jackson made a show of straightening his shirt. It was as if he was trying to get us in trouble

She gave each of us a stern look before turning to me.

"You will escort Mr. Harris around with you to his classes, his schedule is the same as yours." She said.

I looked through my peripheral vision to see that Luke was almost bursting from his anger, but he was trying his best to stay cool. During this Rebecca was smiling like an idiot at the thought of me helping Jackson. Rebecca noticed Luke and took his hand in hers and whispered something in his ear that made him smile and relax.

"Yes ma'am" I said to her.

I was gritting my teeth to the point I could hear them grinding together.

"You are all dismissed. Alex stay for a moment, I need to speak with you." She said while rubbing her temples.

Luke and Rebecca walked out with Jackson in front of them. I knew they would be waiting for me outside in the hallway.

"Yes ma'am." I said when she gave me a note saying that I was excused from certain activities to help Jackson in all of his classes. I was to show this to certain teachers.

I walked out of the office to see Luke laughing as Rebecca and Jackson were debating on why a certain computer program was best for hacking. Luke was having a field day listening to the different programs and how they compared to each other. Not to much surprise, Rebecca was winning. I turned to Jackson and told him where his dorm was, it turns out he is in the wing across from mine. Luke was not so happy about this, but he was even more upset when he found of that Jackson would be his new roommate for the time being.

"I'll see you guys at dinner," I called out to the two boys. They stared daggers at each other. They looked like they were about to go at each other then and there.

"Have fun new roomies," Rebecca said to Luke just to mess with him.

Luke just decided to say a few choice words before he turned and stalked off with Jackson on his heels, blabbering about he was supposed to go vacationing in the Caribbean later in the spring.

"They are going to kill each other. Jackson is going to die tonight." Rebecca said as we turned to walk down the halls to the girls wing. The school is divided into the girl wing, the boy wing, and the teacher wing.

"I know, I just hope Luke will be able to cover it up." I replied in a joking tone.

"What did you say to Luke in the office?" I asked, my curiosity getting the best of me.

"I told him that he didn't have to worry about Jackson since you could handle him," she said with a smirk.

I just laughed as we continued down the hall to the dorms.

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