Absolutely nothing

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Nothing will change after Corona.The sky will still be blue. Or gray. Or soft yellow. JWhatever nature wants. The grass iwill still be green. Or yellow if it's scorched by the sun, like last summer.The snails will still eat everything they come across and birds will still build their nests in the trees. The plants will still give off oxygen and the soil will bear its fruit for all living things.People will still think highly of themselves and argue about trivial matters such as toilet paper. They will still be swearing when someone bumps into them or destroying each other anonymously on social media, for their own pleasure.And I? I will still sit in the same chair that I have been in for years. Safely shielded from the rest of the world. My personal quarantine for all transparently veiled viruses roaming the world. Viruses called Selfish, Hate, Pride, Discontent or – a popular one among the students – Cruel.Viruses for which they have been trying to develop a vaccine for millennia, but unfortunately has not been discovered yet.Don't get me wrong, they do try. We all try. I know I do. We take medication to suppress it. Medication named Generous, Love, Humble, Satisfied, or Kind.But no one is immune.

I stretch, my bones crack and my fingers feel stiff. The only music that caresses my ears is the shrill ticking of the clock. The long hand at ten, the short hand just a fraction away from two. I sigh and mumble to myself: "That late already?"The window is a black canvas. In the reflection, all my imperfections are covered, but when I run my fingers over my face, they bring me back to reality.I roll my desk chair over to the side table opposite and check my mobile. 

Someone tagged you in a picture. 
A sudden fit of nausea bubbles up in me.
Don't, says a voice in my head. But against my better judgment, my sweaty finger slides across the screen and I open it anyway.
A picture appears of someone with crooked teeth, flaxen hair, a monobrow and a face covered in acne. Twelve comments below.
Click away, I command myself.
But I already scroll down and read the first comment.

Look, I just found your twin!

Instead of clicking away, I read the other comments.

Dang, that such an ugly thing exists.

I'd kill myself if I looked like that.

Hahaha. Put up for adoption if that comes out of your belly. Immediately!

The moon decided to hide itself tonight. I don't blame her. I would too. I will remain in quarantine for the time being.
I roll back to my computer and type the conclusion of my story.

Nothing will change after Corona. Absolutely nothing.

Absolutely nothingWhere stories live. Discover now