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~Y/n's POV~

We're all walking through the ice on a hunt for a sloth.

"Sid!" we all take turns trying to find and shout for Sid, but Manny was more worried about Ellie which is fine but she'd tell him if something is wrong. We come across a skeleton bridge that had a huge drop and with my fear of heights Ellie glanced at me but I just smiled and took a deep breath focusing on the other side and not below me.

"Oh, no, no, no. Oh, not good, not good." I rolled my eyes at Manny cause he wasn't really helping my situation.

"Ellie. Ellie, wait up." we made our way off the bridge and I released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Okay, look, if you feel anything, even if it's nothing, you got to tell me and then we're out of here." it is funny watching Manny be so caring and worried, I'm definitely making fun of him after this.

"Okay." Ellie replies.

"Oh, we need a code word. Yeah, something that says 'The baby's coming.'" seriously, is Manny serious.

"Hmm, how about... 'Aah, the baby's coming!'? How's that?"

"I for one think that is very effective." I state to them.

"Eh, too long." I rolled my eyes at Manny.

"We, we need something short and punchy like, uh...'peaches'"

"Peaches?" Ellie asked a bit tired of Manny I could tell.

"I love peaches. They-They're sweet and round and fuzzy, just like you." I widen my eyes a little.

"You think I'm round?"

"Uh...round is good. Round is foxy." I make a face of disgust at Manny's response, I didn't need to hear that this made Ellie laugh at me but I just stuck my tongue out and carried on. We hear a sound but have no idea from what, we begin to walk towards an area that's shining light.

"Stay close." Manny tells us all, as we walk through an opening that was really bright with light we look around and see dinosaurs, trees, waterfalls. We've found a whole other world, it was beautiful.

"Are you guys having the same dream I am?" Crash asks.

"We've been living above an entire world, and we didn't even know it." we continue to look around at everything in shock. All of a sudden, a boulder like thing crashes down beside us and we all yell and turn around to see a spiky dinosaur with a spiked boulder for a tail.

"Run for it!" we begin running but turn to notice Crash and Eddie had fallen off of Ellie's back and the dinosaur was about to crush them while they just played dead which is stupid but they're possums. Not knowing what to do I panic before hearing a growl and seeing a flash of that familiar orange pick up the two possums ad moving them out of the way, I see him nearly fall of the cliff making me panic more before he limbs his way back on and we begin running with the others. I was so happy but out raged at the same time.

"Diego, w-what are you doing here?" Manny asks, I was too angry to talk or even look at him.

"Sightseeing. Looking for Sid, same as you." I roll my eyes, of course he only came back to be the hero.

"Well, aren't you noble?"

"This is not the time, guys." we all kept quiet as we ran away from the dinosaur, I completely ignored the small pain I was getting in my stomach as I knew I had to get to safety.

"We need all the help we can get." fair point Ellie, we soon came to a stop at a ledge having no where else to run we turned to be facing the dinosaur. I watch as Diego ran up to the dinosaur roaring at him but the dinosaur just did one back being ten times louder, Diego runs back over standing a little protectively over me causing me to growl a little ad he just gives me a saddened look which I ignore.

Ice Age : Dawn of the Dinosaurs (Diego x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя