Where I belong

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~Y/n's POV~

"Do you think the beast will find Sid?" I hear one of the possums ask.

"Or, uh, more importantly, us?" I look over my shoulder at them and gesture to my back and they happily run up and sit on my getting comfy.

"Rudy? Are you joking? He's relentless. He knows all. Sees all. Eats all. So that's a yes." we all just stare at Buck and then to a creature that's behind him, Eddie points to behind Buck and he turns around seeing what we're seeing.

"Hey, get off my lawn. Go on. Shoo." we watch as a huge dragon fly sort of animal flies off leaving an opening in the wall.

"I knew that guy when he was a caterpillar. You know, before he 'came out'" we all followed Buck through the gap.

"So you're just living down here by your wits, all on your own, no responsibilities?" Diego asked from beside me.

"Not a one. It's incredible. No dependence, no limits. It's a greatest life a single guy could have." Buck tells him.

"Hear that?" 

"Diego. What are you getting at."

"Nothing. Just the fact that I no longer need a single guy's life." Diego tells me.

"Nor should you want one." I tell him with a glare which earned a nervous chuckle from Diego and then we see Buck off in the distance talking into a rock. We just stare at Buck as if he is crazy, which he is, then I turn to Diego with a look.

"That's you in three weeks if you chose to end up like him." Diego just looks at me and we continue on to follow Buck into the Chasm of Death. We all walk into a huge dark cave and stop at a ledge with a huge drop, I back away my breathing getting heavier, Diego notices and comes to stand at my side nuzzling me and purring knowing exactly how to calm me down. I smile gratefully. 

"So, why do they call it the Chasm of death?" Eddie asks.

"Well, we tried Big Smelly Crack, but, uh, that just made everybody giggle." and as if on cue I giggled slightly at the name earning a smirk from Diego, little did he know that I knew he liked my playful childish side, so I stuck my tongue out at him. Buck then climbed up a vine and cut a few others before a rib cage fell down in front of us.

"Madame's." Buck asked rather politely, but I just glanced at Diego really unsure.

"Whoa. They are not doing that."

"I agree." both Manny and Diego say.

"B-b-b-buh... Rule #1." I looked confused at Buck and Crash put his hand up but Buck ignored him.

"Ah. Come on, mammoth. You're supposed to have a good memory." Buck knocks on Manny's head.

"Always listen to Buck." Ellie replies before getting on.

"Come on, kitty-kat." I growled at Buck.

"Don't call me that."

"Alright, calm your fur." I slowly get on and shut my eyes wanting it to be over with.

"Now, eyes forward, backs straight and.... oh, yes, breathe in the toxic fumes, and you'll probably die." my eyes snap open.

"Toxic fumes?!" 

"Just another day in paradise." Buck says before he cuts a vine sending us flying into the abyss while holding our breaths.

"Geronimo!" once we've made it down, we get off and Buck begins to pull the vine around a stump to send the rib cage back to the others.

Ice Age : Dawn of the Dinosaurs (Diego x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant