Y/N:Sona if I said I loved you what would you say?

Sona:I would say that you are mine and I love you too.

Y/N:Great because I love you.

Sona:And I love you.Since you know my parents would...I don't know...maybe...like to spend the night cuddling at my place since we are a couple.

Y/N:Would love to my love.

You guys teleport to her house but you feel like someone is following you.

Y/N:Babe can you go inside I just want some quickly.

Sona:Okay but be quick ok.

Y/N:You got it.

She goes inside.

Y/N:You can come out now.

A group of people come out.

???:A wise decision send her.

Y/N:I know who all of you are so here . Go to this place tell the people there y/n said you must go there I will speak to all of you tommorow.

They all leave but before you leave you feel a strong holy presence.

Y/N:To what do I owe the pleasure lord Michael.

Micheal: Please call me Michael y/n and I am her to give you to tokens of peace. As you know the factions seek peace and there will be a peace summit in three weeks. So to show a
sign of good faith.Here take these.

Y/N:What a pack of cards and a sword.

Micheal:It is a fallen saint deck and it works like your evil pieces. The sword is an Excalibur know as the Excalibur of death: Cabal. It was never suppose to exsist but a man obsessed with death made it with a piece of Excalibur. So I deside to give it to you . If you kill someone with it they get trapped in the sword. Oh and I believe that you also have a sacred gear call Overzero.It allows you use a technique called calling of the soul, it infuses fighting spirit with a attack.If you were to balance break you would be able to boost your attack by hundred percent ever millisecond.

Y/N:Wow that is overpowered but why give me this and tell me this information.

Michael:For the sake of peace and so you know.

Y/N:I thank you Michael.

Michael: It was nothing just consider it as friendly gesture between friends.

Y/N:Well then thank my friend.

Michael:Your welcome my friend see you soon.

He disappears in an innamet light.

Y/N:See you soon my friend.

You walk inside and you are greeted by the Sirti's.

Sona's mom:Hello y/n. We did not expect you to be back so soon.

Sona's Dad:Yes but nether the less how are my boy?

Y/N:I am great say where Sona.

Sona's Mom:She is in her room waiting for someone.

Y/N:That would be me .

Sona's Dad:Well then best not keep her waiting.

Sona's Mom:Yes besr not. It was nice seeing dear.

Y/N:It was nice seeing you as well.

You rush up the stairs and knock on Sona's door to where you hear a 'come in'.You walk in and see Sona in her blue nighty.

Sona:What took you so long I thought you ran away?

Y/N:I would never run away and sorry I was confronted by a friend who gave me these along with some infomation about a sacred gear I have.

Sona: It's ok but I would like to know which friend and what sacred gear?

You and Sona speak about everything before you end uo cuddling.

Sona:Babe thanks for trusting me with this information.

Y/N:It is the way it is supposed to be my love but please don't tell anyone avout this and please say nothing about Micheal coming to see me. Especially to Rias she kinda has a siscom thing in her head so please don't tell her I don't know what she will do?

Sona:I understand because my sister is the same.

Y/N:Yeah but I don't blame her you are so hot.

She playfully punches youand kisses you before you guys fall asleep.

Next day

Sona:Wake up sleep head.

Y/N:Morning Babe.

Sona:Did you sleep well?

Y/N:Yes I did thank you and yourself?

Sona:It was the best sleep I have had in years.

Y/N:I'm glad. So would you like to come with me to see me complete my peerage and add some fallen saints ?

Sona:Sure I just have to get all my work done first.

Y/N:Let me help you with that.

Sona:Why thank you babe.

You clip her bra in.

Y/N:It is nothing.

Sona:Babe can I ask who will put the king card in you?

Y/N:Well I was hoping my beautiful waterlilly would.

Sona look at you sad and confused.

Y/N:What's with the face?

Sona:I thought you would ask me?

You laugh and grab her before she can run.

Y/N:Sona,Babe you are my beautiful waterlilly.

Sona let's out tears as she hugs you which you return willing.

Sona:Thank my N/N .

Y/N:Yoir welcome my waterlilly.

Sona:Although why a waterlilly?

Y/N:Because you control water and you are as beautiful as a flower so I only know of a waterlilly that are water flowers so it made sense to me.

Sona:Well that makes sense so I accept it but only you call me that okay.

Y/N:I wouldn't want it any other way.

You and Sona kiss passionately.


You were helping Sona complete her duties. It took a few hours but once you guys were done you guys teleported into your house.

???:I see you know some of our friends and they call you there king but say they arw your friend as well as there master so I will ask what have you done to them.

???:Yeah what did you do to Wakka that he can't talk about certain things.

You signal for Wakka to come along with the rest of the house.

Y/N:Do you know the game called chess ?

???:Yes why?

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