
"For what reason?"

"At night, we'll light the house on fire."

"You're going to start a fire?" Emma panicked

"It won't injure anyone right?" You panicked

"That's right. Only a distraction, when mom is distracted putting it out, we'll lead everyone outside, saying it's an evacuation. If we seal the door to her secret room, Mom can't notify headquarters and headquarters will think it's a fire not an escape. Then security won't go towards the bridge that's when everyone will escape through it. As a bonus, I've hid ten Molotovs behind some rocks in the forest."

"Molotov bottles!" You and Emma shrieked

"Don't underestimate my six years of preparation. Throw those Molotovs in the neighboring plants on the way to the bridge. If all goes well, there'll be another fire to make security even scarcer.  Since it's nighttime, no one will be in the forest. No one will die." The ravenette finishes. "So instead of tomorrow, let's run away tonight, right now" the boy said with a determined glare as a cold wind blew through the room.

'This might be a little insane, but he does have a point' Shi spoke to you as you thought about Ray's words. 'And plus he's your boyfriend...so like back him up or whatever' he said while taunting you.

"You fucking suck you know that" you whispered under your breath.

'Huh say that again? I couldn't hear you.'

"Shut up"

"You guys can do it. This place is the farthest distance away from everyone's rooms. They can escape before the fires get to them. They've trained to run in formation through tag, right? Or is your leg still..."

"It's fine!" Emma quickly stated standing up from her seat.

"Then it's decided." The boy said while opening the container of oil.


'Where did he even get all that oil from?' Shi asked as he slowly checked the box.

"He's been planning this for six years, I think that explains enough"

"To tell the truth, I'm still against the idea of taking everyone. Especially after hearing there's a cliff beyond those walls. Even if you do take some, it should only be Don and Gilda. You should at least leave the babies behind. For their sake, and for yours, too." The boy said while emptying another container. "But you won't listen even if I stop you. And it's better than having you stay behind and not escape, so I won't say anything more. You decide."

"Ray..." you inquired this time.

"So what are you doing? Go tell Don and Gilda."

"You said for us to throw over the Molotov bottles?" Emma asked

"Yeah...You, (y/n) or maybe Don could..."

"And I'm worried about one more thing. Even if we start a fire, what if Mom abandons the building?" Emma asked

"Yeah! She might give up on putting out the fire and refuse to take her eyes off us, the merchandise."

Distraction || Ray x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang