"And why is that?" She questioned looking directly at your shaking figure. "Are you plotting something perhaps?" She asked before turning to get the bandages.

"P..pl.. Plotting what? No one's birthday is coming up?" You coughed out surprised by how direct she's being.

"It's nothing..." she said wrapping your arm. "You should be healed soon so you can get back to playing with the kids."

"Is there something going on mother?" You asked while getting up, looking directly into her violet eyes.

"Just a few trouble makers nothing to big. You don't have to worry about me darling" she said with a smug smile painted onto her face.




Later that day




"Where are you Shi?" You said while approaching the wall. You were really nervous about what he wanted because you two have yet to talk about it. All you knew was that it was going to help with the escape, so you thought you had an obligation to do whatever he wanted.

' Well look who decided to show up' the male said the wind picked up revealing the boy dressed in his normal apparel minus his cloak.

"I'm not even late?" You questioned " and what happened to you cloak?"

'Not relevant...' the boy said with a light blush dusting his face. 'It looked better on her anyways...' he mumbled to himself thinking you wouldn't hear him.

"Better on who?"

'NOT IMPORTANT!' He screamed as his face turned red. His embarrassed state made it hard for you to take him serious. 'I thought you were going to show up at the same time you did yesterday, but you took 2 hours longer!'

"I had to make sure no one followed me? Don't you like watch over me or something? Shouldn't you know this?" You questioned as you placed your lantern down.

'I'm not a pervert! I pick and chose when I follow you around. Anyways time to discuss the plan' he said while getting serious. He made a large leather bag appear from thin air and placed it between the two of you.

"What this for?" You asked

'Supply Run Day 1' He said without looking up at you. 'We are going to go to HeadQuarters and see what we can collect. Preferably no food today as we wouldn't want it to spoil'

"You know there are demons there right! And my arm?! Do you want me to die!!" You tried to argue back and push the male but you phased right through him. You weren't expecting to pass through the boy so you started to fall before Shi turned around and caught you.

'God you're annoying...' he said before bringing you back to your feet 'if you injure your arm again, then you can't escape. Ever thought about that...' he said before shoving the bag into your arms and climbing the wall. He stood there waiting for you to start climbing before he remembered your arm even though he just yelled at you about it.

"Um...could I get some help?" You quietly asked not wanting to anger the ghost anymore. After not getting a response from the boy, you were going to go back to the house but you were picked up by the wind and was place on the wall next to the boy. He didn't say anything to you but you noticed him looking down. His dull baby blue eyes stricken with pain and his ash black hair shone in the moon light. "...I'm sorry?" You said almost scared to talk to him.

'...it fine' he said before leading the way to HQ. 'It's not you...I was just thinking' he said before picking up the pace.


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