Now we know why the smile was creepy.


"Two hours to Gwangju. We'll eat at home." Hoseok told his soulmate who was being pushed in his wheelchair by his nephew.

The kid was nice, but a little irresponsible and way too restless. He was too keen on showing off his hard earned muscles that he almost gave Yoongi a few heart attacks considering how fast he pushed the wheelchair around. Not to mention, Yoongi looked almost green once they stopped at their destined platform, waiting for their train to Gwangju.

"Why did you both move out anyway?" Il-Chan asked the same question he had been asking his uncle since they left home, once again. 

"Because we're too rich to live there." 

Fortunately, Il-Chan didn't sense the sarcasm dripping of his uncle's words, instead nodded, satisfied with the answer, going back to watching random people, eventually stopping at a toddler and having a glaring contest with him.

It wasn't long before the train arrived and the trio moved inside. Thankfully, there weren't many people and hopefully not many would get on the train at other stops.

Maybe it's because he sensed Yoongi's nervousness and maybe it's a soulmate thing, Hoseok held the older's hand in his, giving it a tight squeeze and giving him an assuring smile.

"There's nothing to worry about." The blond assured his soulmate who gave him a curt nod, his eyes wandering around the train curiously.

Sure, he was startled when the train started moving, squeezing Hoseok's hand tightly for the first half an hour before he decided there was nothing to worry about. Why, he even grew to enjoy the ride, his eyes wide with amusement as he watched them moving fast, maybe even faster than he had ever moved on his mare.

Ah... Those were the days. The wind in his hair, his Jeonggukkie by his side. 

A sad sigh left his lips as his heart felt heavy at the memory of the raven haired boy.

Is he really here? Somewhere close by?
His Jeonggkkie?

He felt Hoseok pat his hand and as he turned to face the younger, he knew that once again the other seemed to have read his mind.

"We'll find him. Someway." His soulmate assured.

He could only nod, suddenly feeing his heart fill with so much love and adoration for the man he came to realize was his soulmate. It wasn't he who asked Hoseok for help, but the younger who offered it, wanting to make him feel at ease and happy in every way possible. Sure, it was awkward sometimes and he couldn't get himself to kiss or do anything that the Forever bunch do, considering how he grew up in a conservative set up. Besides, he had never even imagined how things would work if it were a man instead of a woman. But Hoseok was understanding just like how he was a lot of things, all good.

The smile that graced his thin lips at the thought of a certain blond was involunatry and with happy thoughts and heart warming memories that he had shared with his soulmate in his mind, he drifted off to sleep, hoping for everything to turn out well.

The smile that graced his thin lips at the thought of a certain blond was involunatry and with happy thoughts and heart warming memories that he had shared with his soulmate in his mind, he drifted off to sleep, hoping for everything to turn out well

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Story time!!!

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Story time!!!

So... There was this guy whom I used to like back in 6th grade. Let's name him X. So I used to have a hugeeeeeeeeee crush on X even though he was a douchebag. I used to help him in every way possible and I used to put myself in trouble at times and even support his reasons even when they weren't that great. I even changed a lot about me, He was a part of the reason. And that bish took me for granted. Made me do everything for him and would spend that time talking to my arch nemesis and they prolly would've laughed about how stupid I was. Eventually, I moved schools and met more people, yet the crush remained. I met him a few times after that and he'd either pretend not to know me or would just give me a smile which looks more like a grimace. Once I felt really bad and started thinking about all the times I spent thinking of him. And him being a trash. And I realized that I was in the wrong all along! I shouldn't have changed! I shouldn't have done anything I did for him and I should have learned my worth wayyyyy before that.

Here's the thing, kids. No matter what, don't change for anyone, yeah? That won't do us any good as long as the changes were for our own development and not for anyone to find us appealing. Don't let anyone tell you what you're worth. Don't sacrifice anything unless it's for a good reason and that reason better not be for a guy or a girl or just about anyone who doesn't treat you the way you should be treated.

Now here's a question which is a way for me to get to know ya'll.

What's your favorite food from your country?

Do vote, comment and share this story with your friends, yeah? And follow (If you wanna) because I post updates about the story in my mb and that way you can see it!

Also... Take care!
And if ya'll wanna give me suggestions or see any mistakes in the story, may it be a mistake of fact or grammar mistakes(Those can be annoying, Ik) or a mistake in the usage of a word or a sentence, do tell me. I won't bite ;) Or.... If you just wanna talk about something else, again. I'll be a friend in need. I may not always be able to be on time, but I'll respond to you ASAP. Okay?

Have a great week! Ily

Here's a meme if my story or my rant or my small talk didn't make you smile or laugh

Did ya'll at least smile because this is relatable or at least when you thought that there are people who can actually relate to this?

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Did ya'll at least smile because this is relatable or at least when you thought that there are people who can actually relate to this?

I'll start posting dad jokes to annoy ya'll if you go away from this page without smiling or atleast feeling light hearted.

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