Episode 3- For The Greater Good

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Jeff Probst greets us, standing atop a mountain.

Probst: Last time on, Survivor...

Coming off of the first Tribal Council for the Brains, Robotnik knew he was on the outs. While he made attempts to salvage himself and bond, there was more going on behind the scenes. Shuri and Tails went searching for an idol, as Shuri found it but lied to Tails' face! Later, Felicity started to get suspicious of how connected Tails and Robotnik actually were...

On the Brawn Tribe, Thor was excelling in bonding, talking with Lightning on the way . Lara however saw this bonding and Thor as a threat, and decided she would try to get into power and do something about it. However, Xavier was onto her tail, as he tried to pull Lightning into his alliance with Samus and Thor. Lara and Samus had a talk as well, Samus making it clear she's playing an individual game.

On the Beauty Tribe, tough times were ahead. Alliances such as Tifa, Cassie, and Rosalina were created, and Nathan and Seth created a counter alliance. This left Ted in a great position, being able to play both sides. The main target heading into the challenge was Seth.

At the immunity challenge, Brawn used strength and speed to their advantage, as the Brains used their intelligence to power through the puzzle! Beauty was decent, but fell short.

After the challenge, Seth, getting desperate, pointed out Ted's game. At Tribal Council, Ted and Seth went at it, as the Beauty Tribe decided to keep Seth over Ted, seeing Ted as the early threat he was.

We see Jeff, on one knee at the mountain now.

Probst: Sixteen people are left, who will be voted out next?

Beauty Tribe- Day 5

Tifa, Nathan, Cassie, and Rosalina are roasting rice over the fire.

Cassie: Ted leaving hasn't harmed us. Seth provides better, and doesn't have any power right now. Ted would have, which would have sucked, because he could have flipped Nathan and Rosalina against us later if he wanted to.

Nathan gets his share of rice off.

Nathan: I'm guessing Seth is next?

Rosalina: I feel terrible for him, but he needs to find his way off the chopping block.

Rosalina gets her share of rice off the fire.

Rosalina: I was the only one who voted with Ted last night. Hopefully they see I'm loyal to my allies until the end.

Tifa gets up and looks out at the land behind them.

Tifa: I'm going to go check on Seth.

Cassie: Do you think he's panicking?

Tifa: I don't blame him.

Tifa runs out to the woods, not looking back.

Tifa: Seth's not stupid. Is he arrogant? Yes. Is he annoying? Yes.

Seth is walking through the woods, with a chicken in his hand.

Seth: Ted may be gone, but I'm still worried!

Seth sets the chicken down, and grabs a rock off the ground...

Seth: Nathan definitely sided with me, Tifa and Cassie don't seem to be fighting for control yet...so that just leaves Rosalina.

As Seth goes to smash the chicken, Tifa comes into the woods. Seth looks at her, and slowly puts his arm down.

Survivor: Moo Moo Meadows (Brains vs Brawn vs Beauty)Where stories live. Discover now