Leaving me

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~Third person's POV~

"It's happening!" Manny exclaims as he carries a shell full of water spilling it a little as he rushes to where he needs to go. Crash, Eddie and Sid were following behind Manny trying to keep up with the distressed mammoth.

"The baby's coming! The baby's coming! I'm having a baby!" Manny shouts as he pushes through a group of animals.

"Code blue! Code blue!" Crash exclaims.

"Or pink-- if it's a girl." adds Eddie.

"Having a baby, having a baby. I'm coming, Ellie!" Manny has now gone into panic mode, and continues to rush to Ellie.

~Y/n's POV~

I yawn and stretch as I wake up for the day, I look beside me to yet again no Diego, I'm getting really worried about him he's never here when I wake up and has been distancing himself more and more. I shake off my thoughts and exit mine and Diego's cave going on a search for Diego, we need to have a talk. As I look around trying to spot Diego, I notice Ellie by herself so I head over to her wandering if she knew where Diego was.

"Morning Ellie." I say cheerfully with a smile.

"Good morning, Y/n. How are you?"

"I'm ok, I guess."

"Is everything ok?"

"Yeah everything is fine, just Diego has wandered off again." I say while rolling my eyes.

"He's been doing that a lot lately, hasn't he?"

"Oh yes, that's why I'm looking for him. Have you seen him?"

"No I haven't sorry Y/n."

"That's ok. Anyway, where's my brother?"

"Well the baby kicked."

"Ah, say no more." we both laughed until we see a certain mammoth falling from a cliff and into the trees. Me and Ellie both shake our heads before heading over.

"Ellie, Ellie! Oh... Ellie, where are you? Woah, Ellie, where am I?" I chuckle at my brother's behaviour.

"Manny." Manny turns towards Ellie's voice.

"I told you, it was just a kick." Manny lifts the shell off of his head so that he is able to see.

"Oh, right, right." I shake my head at Manny before turning to carry on with my search for Diego. There is only one other place I know he might be, hunting. I begin to run to where Diego likes to hunt but stop for a few seconds when I feel a pain in my stomach I haven't felt before. I wait for a few minutes before beginning to jog this time. After a while I finally catch sight of Diego whose got his eye on a gazelle while he's hidden in the grass, stalking the prey. I decide to sit and watch him, knowing he'd be mad for ruining his hunt. Diego leaps from the grass growling and attempts to catch the gazelle but he runs away just in time, causing Diego to start chasing after him. I watch Diego slowly gain speed getting closer to the gazelle, before he slows down seeming tired and out of breath, I frowned at this he didn't seem okay. I made my way towards Diego. As I get closer I hear the gazelle taunting Diego for being out of breath.

"Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh! Whoo! My hooves are burning, baby! They are burning! Oh, look at this. I gotta tiptoe. I gotta tiptoe. Eat my dust, dingo!" the gazelle then ran off kicking a bit of dust at Diego as he ran off. 

"You ok there tiger?" I ask coming over to Diego, standing in front of him.

"What? Oh, me, never been better." Diego seems to have got his breath back and gave me a small smile.

Ice Age : Dawn of the Dinosaurs (Diego x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now