"its 6:58. we should get going." Neji exclaimed. Konan and Naruto emerged from the closet, wearing ridiculous disguises, okay, only Narutos outfit was ridiculous. Konan worked as a CIA agent for 2 years, so she chose her disguise wisely. Konan was wearing a brown cloak, followed with a black hat and fake glasses. Her hair was neatly tucked in behind the hat, so nobody would recognize her very noticeable purple hair. Konan looked good in anything. meanwhile, Naruto looked utterly ridiculous. Naruto had a bright blue jacket on, that would already draw attention, followed by red pants, sunglasses and a over sized flower hat. Neji signaled a face palm at Naruto. 

Naruto was changed into a grey jacket, with a crimson red hat, and black pants, a disguise of Konan's choice. "Since you usually wear colorful clothes, this choice is perfect." Konan remarked. "now I look like a total emo!" Naruto complained. 

Neji dropped off Naruto and Konan at the side entrance of the Uchiha company. "I'll be in the parking lot, gook luck." Neji signaled. Konan and Naruto nodded and snuck into the building. they rode the elevator to floor 12. 

floor 12 had 9 rooms, all the offices of the higher ups. Naruto and Konan snuck behind a wall, Naruto tried his best to be quiet, but he couldn't ever match Konans stealth. Konan moved like a cat, careful of her every movement. Konan signaled Naruto to go to the washroom. The washroom was no doubt the safest place on floor 12 . All of the people on floor 12 shared 2 washrooms among them. Konan and Naruto were hiding out in a stall in the women's washroom. "Stay here, I'll explore the floor and set everything out for us." Konan whispered. Naruto nodded, and just like that, Konan was out the door. 

Konan raced down the halls, peeking in each door to see the layout of the floor. As she was running, she noticed that Sasuke was packing up and getting ready to leave. Konan immediately ran back to inform Naruto. 

Konan and Naruto hid behind a wall as they observed Sasuke. Sasuke waved goodbye to Sakura and made his way down to the elevator. Konan and Naruto didn't even have to follow Sasuke anymore, because they knew the answer. they quickly ran back to Neji.

"We saw Sasuke waving to Sakura!.." Konan screeched. Neji nodded. "So he really is only cold to Naruto, huh?" Neji sighed. "b-but why is he cold to only me?!" Naruto stutter-yelled. Konan and Neji just stared at Naruto. "oh, no! I have to go home to cook dinner!" Naruto yelled. "bye." Konan and Neji waved. 

Naruto ran as fast as he could, catching his breath in-between runs. The wind blew across Narutos face, causing his hair to go wild. Naruto didn't realize he was still wearing the disguise until now. But the hat and jacket were long gone. Naruto quickly slid under the fence, saving him 2 minutes time. In such the rush he was in, he did not pay attention to the rocks and twigs on the ground. Naruto tripped painfully on the rock, landing softly on none other then the glorious, but shy Hinata Hyuga. (Hinata is a boy in this story) 

 "I-I-I- NARUTO-KUN!?" Hinata gasped. "ow... " Naruto muttered. "oh! Hinata! sorry, I wish I could talk, but I'm in a rush!" Naruto apologized. 

Naruto quickly kicked off his shoes, and started cooking right away. "where were you, Usuratonkachi?"Sasuke asked, in a annoyed tone. "sorry, I fell on the way here.." Naruto excused. Sasuke just rolled his eyes, and disappeared into the shadowy hall. Naruto was chopping vegetables, rushing like crazy, but in his rush, Naruto sliced his ring finger. Naruto screamed in pain, only for no one to care. No Sasuke. Naruto felt a rush of pain and anger emerge. Sasuke wouldn't care that blood was gushing down Narutos finger. he hadn't even gave a crap about Narutos scream. Suddenly, Naruto burst into tears. yes, his finger hurt like you just stepped on broken glass, but what hurt the most was that Sasuke didn't even care. Hell, he wouldn't even care if you chopped your arm off. Naruto thought. Tears still gushing, Naruto searched for the bandages. "Sasuke, where are the bandages, can you get me one!?" Naruto yelled. "in the cabinet, get it yourself, I'm busy." Sasuke summered. Narutos eyes turned from sadness to hurt, then to anger. he stormed to the cabinet, and slammed it open, grabbing the bandages. Naruto carefully wrapped the bandages around, avoiding farther damage. out of anger, Naruto threw the bandages across the hall. Naruto got back up, and continued to cook.

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