Chapter 31 - Three years later

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*Claire Kinsley's POV*

For three years, I juggled between my life as a mother, a part-time doctor and a wife to Liam. Thankfully, the people around me have been very supportive. Liam's assets were actually immense enough for me to go on a part-time work scheme as I wanted to spend time raising our child. My mother and Scott have been showering my baby girl, Tammy, with no lack of love. In fact, everyone who came in contact with Tammy, couldn't get enough of her cuteness.

Every day for the past three years, I would spend time by Liam's bed in the hospital. I would talk to him, clean him up, wet his dry lips, massage him to prevent his muscles from wasting. I would bring Tammy to spend time with Liam on every weekend, making sure that there's enough father-daughter bonding time even though Liam is still in a coma. When she was smaller, she would crawl onto him, touch his face and even babble at him. At least from
all these, she would be able to get used to his presence and his identity as her father.

"Hey Liam, today is our girl's third birthday," I said to Liam as I wiped his hands.

"And guess what cake are we having for her birthday?" I asked even though I knew he weren't going to respond to my question. It was something that I have already got accustomed to.

"It's chocolate cake, not surprising huh? Our girl has got the same taste as you. You sure you don't want to wake up and get a taste of it?" I joked but deep in me, the pain was still hurting.

I looked at him, and there he was, still in his deep sleep. I bit my lips and let my emotions overtook me again as I sobbed uncontrollably, "It's her third birthday already... How more do you intend to miss? I think it's way past time that you come back to us now... Do you hear me?"

I told myself to not say such thing anymore whenever I come here, not to pin hope that he would wake up each time I see him, but I just couldn't...

I have overestimated myself, the emotional toll was just too much to see him lying on the bed lifelessly as though he was frozen in frame from 3 years ago. All that rang through my ears each time I was here was the beeping sound from the BP monitor to remind me that he is still alive... but is he? Is he really still 'alive'?"

There are trying moments like today that threatens to thin my hopes on him.

What am I exactly holding on to?

Liam was probably right... he knew, he knew right from the start that this was going to be tough for me.

But guess what, Liam? I still ain't backing out, not because I want to, but because I couldn't... because I love you so much that I could not let go of you.

You are my lifeline, Liam, I can't do without you.

"Mama?" Tammy tugged my skirt.

I quickly wiped my tears and took a deep breath in to compose myself. I shouldn't have lost myself to my emotions in front of Tammy.

"Hey..." I flashed a smile at her as I picked her up and placed her on the bed next to Liam.

Even though everyone said Tammy looked a lot like me, every time I looked at her, I never fail to feel that strong beautiful resemblance that she shares with Liam.

"Look at you... you little one, look at the mess on your face, what did you do?" I teased Tammy for the smears of chocolate on her face.

"Mama is going to go get some napkins for you, you stay right here with daddy, alright?" I told Tammy as I realised I had run out of napkins in the ward. Tammy nodded her head. If there was one positive trait that I could say about her, I would say she is an understanding child. If not for her tamed nature and obedience, I don't think I would have been able to cope with my life as a single parent.

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