Chapter 17 - The Dance

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*Clara Kinsley's POV*

I kept pondering over what Liam said last night. I just couldn't understand what he was angry about and why does he always say that I can't leave him.

The next day at work, I decided to confront Liam for the truth to this, but I ended up finding that he has left his position at the ER department and has been transferred to the medical research department.

Even though I was the one who had been dodging for him for the past few days, to have heard this piece of news through others definitely shaken me.

Why would Liam leave so abruptly for the medical research department?

The thought of this ambiguity between us made me felt uncomfortable. After all, I was so used to having him around like a family member whom I have expected to inform me about this at least.

Forget it... Since he can't even be bothered to inform me about this, why should I be even be bothered with what he said.

That night on my way home, from a distance I could see my mother speaking with Liam at the park near my house. My mother seemed to be concerned while Liam had this rare expression of distress worn over his face.

Curious as to what is happening, I inched closer over to them discreetly until I was finally able to overhear their conversation slightly.

"Liam, please... I'm counting on you. Please save her..." My mum pleaded with her trembling voice.

"Helen, don't worry, I will. Trust me, I will," Liam said heavily and cupped my mother's hands with his, before he continued, "Which is why I will need your help to keep a lookout for her while I'm away for..."

Just when I wanted to lean over for more clarity, I stepped on a twig and that caught their attention.


They both jolted up in an alarmed mode of a concerted manner as they turned towards me.

"Hi?" I smiled and waved awkwardly at them.

Liam cleared his throat while my mother sniffed and recomposed herself in a matter of seconds.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked.

"Nothing of your concern," Liam said flatly as he stuck his hands in his pockets.

"Oh gosh! I think I left my kettle boiling!" My mother yelped suddenly.

"Bye Liam~" My mother bid goodbye to Liam as she grabbed me by my hand and dragged me along.

"Are you two keeping something from me?" I folded my arms and interrogated my mother the moment we reached home.

"It was nothing really, just checking with Liam about your work progress, things like that you know," My mum dismissed my concern she occupied herself at the kitchen.

Something was definitely fishy about them but I just couldn't get them to cough out the truth.

*A few months later*

For the next few months, I hardly see Liam at all ever since he got occupied with his medical research project.

I thought would be happy to have him absent from my life, I thought the passage of time can dull many things, but ever since our path diverged, every step became heavy. Unknowingly he has become a silhouette in my life, I ended up having a hard time adapting to a life without him.

"Hey Claire, so are you ready for the gala on tomorrow night?" Matt asked me as he packed up for home.

"What gala?" I asked.

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