"Y/n? Y/n? Y/N!" Someone yelled and I snapped up.

That was weird.

"Yes?" I said seeing Mikasa and Armin at the door.

"You're mom was calling you, she made a quick snack." She said pointed her thumb away from the door and to the stairs.

"Oh okay." I said standing up and following them to the kitchen.

Now that I think about it, they haven't told me anything about my past. I guess it was pretty boring then. It was probably like the basic rich girl life. But how would I know what that was like.

"Hey what was my life like before I went into the coma?" I asked Mikasa and she gave my mother a quick look. It was about half a second so I didn't thing to much about it.

"Oh it was boring not gonna lie." She said popping and small piece of toast into her mouth.

"What do you mean boring." I asked, I wanted answers.

"You did things like homework on time, and never snuck out, never went to parties."

"Oh, ew." I was disappointed at how boring I was before. At least this time I could chance that.


Armin went home not too long after that, he was oddly quite for someone who was or is my best friend.

I heard my mom call Mikasa into their room. I knew I probably shouldn't have but I went I up to the door a pressed my ear up against it.

"You did good." My mother said.

"Thank you. So we just go like this?" Mikasa asked.

"Yes. But you know when to stop right?" My mother asked but in a confirming tone.

"Yes." Mikasa said.

I pulled away from the door and ran upstairs to my bedroom trying not to make any noise. What were they taking about? It was probably just trying to help me feel more comfortable. She was going to need to stop at some point. They probably had a whole plan on what to after I woke up, Armin could know about it too.

A few minutes later Mikasa came up to my room.

"Hey I'm going to stay over tonight. Also we have school tomorrow so I would get ready for that." She said and so smiled.

"Thank you." I said getting up and walking over to my closet. I didn't thing it would be as big and it was. It was like a mini mall I'm not even going to lie.

"Holy shit. Mikasa have you seen the size to this thing?"

"About a thousand times." She said laughing.

"Oh right." I said reaching for a light purple sweatshirt. I didn't know what it was but I just grabbed the first thing I saw. It had a picture of someone of it.

"Who's this." I asked Mikasa pointing to the picture on it.

"That's Killua from HunterxHunter. Well now that you don't have your memory you can live your dream of watching HunterxHunter for the first time again. Same with Deathnote." She said sitting on the foot of my bed.

"What's Deathnote." I asked laying the sweatshirt down.

"The one anime you said the you would give everything you have just to watch it again for the first time."

"I guess I really did live up to that." I said walking back into the closet trying to find some bottoms tomorrow.

I pulled out my phone to try to check the weather tomorrow but then was stopped by the password, which I didn't remember.

"Hey do you know what my password is. " I asked handing Mikasa my phone.

She took it and put it in. 101920.

"What's that for? Was it the day I met someone?" It was little over a year ago from today. I wondered why I set that. It wasn't anyone I knows birthday. So what was it?

"Oh I don't know. I do remember that you changed it on the day last year. You never told me why and I don't remember what happened that day so I can't tell you." Mikasa said handing my phone back. "I would change it to something you'd remember just so you don't lock yourself out."

"No it's fine I remember what you put." I said trying to fine the weather app.

"Whatever you say, I still thing you should change it."

"Ok fine I will." I said opening the app and checking, it was going to be sixty-four degrees tomorrow. I picked out a pair of light skinny jeans and laid them with my sweatshirt.

After getting everything I need ready I got in the shower. I took a long one, I had to wash my hair, shave and I had so many different soaps that I had to try them all. When I got out to realized I was in there for an hour.

"Finally, you took forever." Mikasa said when I walked I the room.

"I had things to do." I said smiling. "Not I need to change." Said motioning my head to the door.

"Right." Mikasa said and walked out.

I just put on an oversized shirt and sweatpants. When Mikasa came back it was with a big bowl of poppcorn, junior mints and a cup of coke.

"Oo, what's this for?" I said grabbing the most tasty looking thing to me, which was the junior mints.

"We are going to rewatch Deathnote." She said putting down the snacks and drink than turning off the lights.

I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv.

"What's it on?" I asked not knowing where to go after that.

"Netflix." She said lifting the blanket and making herself comfortable.

I turned it on and played the first episode. I grabbed the big box of junior mints and popped one into my mouth. They were so good.


Mikasa turned off the tv after the end of one of the episodes.

"Noo why did you turn it off I wanted to see what he was about to do." I whined.

"Y/n it is eleven we have to be up at six." She said tying her hair into a small ponytail.

"Oh, well then yeah I guess we do need to go to sleep. I said grabbing the box, cup and bowl and going downstairs. I rinsed out the cup and threw away the plastic cup and box.

When I went back upstairs, Mikasa was laying on the couch on the second floor. I went up to my room and laid down in my bed. Tomorrow I wouldn't know anything know about what had happened. To make matters worse I don't even remember how to do a lot of things school wise so I'm screwed.

I rolled over to my side and closed my eyes tomorrow was going to be a mess and I don't know if I'm ready for it.

Thought I had my eyes closed, I couldn't sleep. I rolled around all night until I finally checked the time, 02:27am. I sighed and continued to roll I blinked a few times fast hoping that I would get tired. My eyes closed again but I didn't go to sleep.

I rolled my eyes and got up to get a glass of milk. I quietly when downstairs to the kitchen and poured a small glass. I went back upstairs with it a gulped it fast.

I was ready for tomorrow but not that ready. All I need to do is stay close to Mikasa and Armin then I'll be good. I just need to get familiar with everything again.

I laid back down and closed my eyes again. I moved a little bit but the finally went to sleep.


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