Chapter Twenty-Seven

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My hair and body are wrapped in towels, as I meander into the bedroom.

I fall backward onto the bed, and scoot onto Titus' side. My wolf feels content as I close my eyes and we breathe in his perfect homey, yet masculine scent. I think again, who am I?

If Kristy and Iris really knew how smitten I was feeling and acting right now, they would be rubbing that fact in my face so hard.

Get a grip, Sarah.

I pull myself out of bed, and wander over to the closet, where his clothes are. I feel like Titus and I are pretty bonded physically, but we still don't know much about each other. I decide to take a little look around in his stuff. Fact: It's not snooping, if you're mates.

The closet smells strongly of him as well. I run my hands over the different materials of all of the clothes hanging up. I smile when I note that most of his clothes are solid, muted colors. It's very similar to my own tastes. I've never been a fan of flashy clothes - always leaning toward simpler things. Although, the lingerie that Kristy picked out for me is the exact opposite and I think maybe I can continue keeping my unmentionables on the more adventurous side. It does seem to have a very favorable effect on my mate.

Unfortunately, all I see are clothes. My hopes for finding a hidden box containing Titus' deepest, darkest secrets are dashed. Bummer.

I spot a few more blazers and try to keep my wolf from jumping into fantasies about ripping those clothes from Titus' body. I wonder if I should have some dressier clothes. I don't currently. I've had absolutely zero reasons or desires to dress any fancier than jeans. I don't think I even own a skirt.

Maybe that's something I could do today. I wonder if Sofia likes shopping. She seems like she'd be an easy person to be around, and I am looking forward to getting to know her better.

I'm sure she'd be willing to impart whatever information about Titus and the pack that she knows - and all while expanding my wardrobe a bit. Killing - not two - but three birds with one stone.

Before I exit the closet, I decide I want to keep Titus' scent close. I snatch a plain white t-shirt off a hanger, and close the door, hoping he won't mind.

I take the time to blow dry and style my hair a little. Nothing fancy - just some beachy waves. I also put on a little makeup. It's been so long since I've made even this much effort in my appearance, it's comical.

Seeing how absolutely hot Titus was this morning makes me want to step up my game. Honestly, his desire for me makes me makes me feel beautiful, but I really should branch out from my constant ponytails. Especially, since I'm not waking up at 4am every morning now.

I pull on a pair of light blue - SURPRISE - jeans, and pull Titus' shirt over my head.

Mmmm. My wolf hums in appreciation of his scent enveloping us.

It falls mid-thigh and is definitely pretty baggy. I find a tutorial on Youtube about how to knot oversized shirts, and spend about 15 minutes attempting, then finally, getting it right. I fold the sleeves a few times, then check myself out in the mirror.

Okay. Not bad. Hopefully, it's stylishly casual. I put on some socks and tennis shoes, then wander into the main area of the suite.

It's clean and empty, except for my purse and what's this? A note?

There's a small white legal pad, with what I'm guessing is Titus' masculine scrawl.

"Here are some numbers you might want. Mind link me anytime you need me."

Below are the phone numbers for Titus, Sofia, Maxim, Sam, and Paul.

I appreciate him leaving me with this information. It's...really thoughtful. I take a few minutes to put all of these numbers in my phone.

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