Raina stood next to K at the front of the group. As if he could read her mind, K gently held her hand and smiled as he leaned closer to her.

"One step closer." He whispered, their intertwined hands hidden from the cameras sight. Raina turned her head slightly and looked up at him.

"One step closer." She repeated with a matching smile and squeezed his hand before they both pulled away. Raina found herself missing his touch, something she found herself desiring a lot recently.

The thirteen I-LANDERS stood in the I-LAND lobby just as the announcement came on.

"Congratulations to the 13 I-LANDERs who made it to Part 2 of the I-LAND."

Everyone clapped but as then startled at the loud sound effect of the virtual flags coming down.

"In I-LAND Part 2, a debut team will be decided. Out of 4 tests, the 1st and 3rd tests will be decided by the producer's choice. The 2nd and 4th tests will be decided by the global viewers voting. Only 8 participants who survived all of the tests will be debuting as the global Idols in 2020. Part 2 is no longer a shared destiny, but a complete individual competition. According to the test results, the ranking from 1 to 13 will be announced. The ranking 12 I-LANDER who weren't chosen by producers and global fans will be eliminated."

Raina let out a heavy sigh at this. The 'survival' portion has begun. She thought to herself.

"The individual ranking according to the tests, is a new evaluation standard for Part 2 of the I-LAND. Higher rankings will get more benefits. Also, ranking 1 to 8 will get badges that symbolise the debut group. And will be changed by the test results every time. Now we will announce your ranking according to the first global voting."

Raina was just as shocked as everyone else who gasped.

"Already." Raina rhetorically asked Hanbin who stood beside and shrugged his shoulders.

"The first vote conducted for a week on 23 people from Part 1. I-LANDER who got the ranking 13 by global voting. With 376,506 votes, Hanbin."

And from then, each ranking was announced and each I-LANDER placed and soon it was only 3 rankings left.

Raina, Sunoo and Heeseung left. None of them were suprised to see Raina and Heeseung being one of the 3 top ranks.

"I-LANDER who got ranking 3 by global voting. With 1, 006, 965 votes. Heeseung."

Raina was left wide-eyed at this, not expecting Heeseung to get the 3rd ranking. If anything she thought it would be her in 3rd place.

"Now we'll announce the I-LANDER rank 1. I-LANDER Rank 1 by global voting with 1, 097, 515 votes. Raina."

If Raina's eyes weren't wide before they were now. She looked at Sunoo who stood beside her as he gave her a smile which she returned. Proud that he had claimed such a huge ranking, knowing the others didn't see it coming. But if Raina was being honest, out of all of the I-LANDERs Sunoo had the most viewer appeal. He has that cute charm to him that leaves people in awe and he is extremely talented. So Raina, unlike the rest was not shocked that Sunoo got the rank he did.

Raina and Sunoo proceeded to put on their badges and sat in their seat.

13 seats
4 tests
8 final members

What was going to happen now?
Raina thought.

Hello everyone! Happy holidays to everyone. I hope 2021 has been kind to you and I wish everyone the absolute best for 2022. I am so excited to finish this book for you all because I have ✨plans✨ for Raina and K (*hint hint*)

Anyway more updates are on the way before the new year. I just have to find time to edit all the chapters.

I also just want to say how happy and grateful I am with the support you guys have given this story. I never really thought any of my stories or the way I write was good enough for people to read. But here we are so thank you so much.

Anyway I will see you guys soon.
Once again Happy holidays and happy new year, from Lyn.

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