Timeless Preference

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I was trying to describe melancholy.

Do you know that feeling when you're waking up?

Trying to get back to the ground, stable

Head straight and mind in tune with today and tomorrow's rhythm?

I hate it here: That returned sense of time.

It takes me awhile too

to re-orient.

Back where I was I simply existed

I thrived with no worry of death or expectations so

Time was my companion; 

      a marker of my success, work; experience.

      of passion

Not a judge. Dead ticks chipping away at my strength, my youth.

You know I hated time? I told my therapist

That reminder of temporal moments and present memories

That I'm dead now and alive at the same time

Immortal and damned.

Redeemed and Lost.

The present throbs with just as much chaos as the past and future.

It's just more subtle in how it shows so.

I like being oblivious of passing time;

      existing in a timeless reality where I've lived many lives and been told many tales.

I wish we lived in a world where we remembered we could bend time.

Perhaps living would be a bit more pleasurable. 

October 1st, 2021

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