Chapter 12 Fighting Back

Start from the beginning

The students and teacher pack up their things and leave the classroom.

I go really slow, so I'm the last one. My heart starts to beat faster, but I ignore it. I have to do this. For Peter. I have to stop Ivan from bullying Peter all the time.

I stand up, and Ivan is in my face.

"What is with you today? You've had this smug look on your face ever since this morning." Then he seems confused. "Wait. You're not Peter." He looks me up and down. "Who are you?"

"That doesn't matter," I say, not that concerned that my cover got blown. It would just make this easier actually. "You need to stop bullying Peter."

"I'm not bullying Peter." He puts this innocent look on his face. "I would never do such a terrible thing. Whatever he's told you, it's not true."

I laugh. He doesn't know it was me yesterday. "You can say all you want. I know you're a bully, and I want you to leave him alone. This will be your final warning."

His demeanor changes into the Ivan I know from yesterday. "Yeah? Or what?"

"Or I'll let everyone at school know how much of a weeb you are."

"What are you talking about?" He looks confused, and it makes me second guess if I got this right or not.

I decide to stand my ground. "I know your little secret, Ivan. Bullying Peter for cosplaying and watching anime and yet you do the same thing. That's pathetic. What's your reasoning for it? Are you just jealous that Peter gets more views, more likes than you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I found your Instagram account," I say, tired of his dodging. "Don't test me."

"What are you talking about? I don't have an Instagram account. What even is Instagram?" He glances to the side with a look that says he knows how idiotic he sounds.

"Really, Ivan? Or should I call you 'SpideyBoi764?'"

Now he looks shocked. "How the fuck—"

"Simple. I backtraced the Instagram account that kept sending nasty comments to Peter, and it seemed weird to me that the account was also following Peter. But that was just a hunch, so I looked at who was following the account, and I ran into your account—SpideyBoi764."

"You couldn't have known that was me."

I shrug, trying to look like I know what I'm doing. "I didn't." I pause. "Until now, of course."

He looks pissed. "I will get back at you for this!" he yells. "I may not get to you, but I sure as hell can get to Peter."

I glare at him. "I forgot to tell you that I looked up your username in Google, and guess what I found? Your Archive account. Would you like to explain to your classmates why you write rape porn or should I?"

The colour drains from his face, and for once, he has nothing to say.

I take a step towards him. "You don't touch Peter. You don't look at Peter. You don't even breathe in his direction. Understand?"

He nods.

"Good. If I hear one word from Peter about you, in any way at all, I'll leak everything to the students. We can both see how everyone likes what you write in your free time."

He nods.

I grab my bag and walk out of the school.

Orion looks at me when I sit down in the car. "You look... victorious. What happened?"

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