Slow the pace a bit

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Technos POV

A tapping came from my window. This could either be the annoying pigeon - or Wilbur. To be honest I see no difference. They both beg to be fed and are a nuisance. I walk over to the window and see Wilbur perched on the windowsill. So it was a pigeon.

Sliding the window open , Wilbur falls in.
"Weren't you unconscious?" I raise my eyebrows in a questioning manner. He flaps his hand, trying to brush of the question. A kick in the side makes him answer.
"Eh details," not a good answer but it'll do.
"Cmon I'll make spaghetti bolignese."

Sitting down at the island in my kitchen Wilbur rapidly fires texts at someone,
"Who ya texting?" I place down a steaming bowl of pasta and bolignese infront of him. He grabs a fork and stuffs a fork full into his mouth.
"Don't eat with your mouth full." I lean against the counter top. He thickly swallowing and repeats himself,
"Tommy - intern?"
I slowly nod and sit myself down to eat. The cold chair presses against my back and I lean into Wilbur slightly for a bit of warmth.

My apartment is a cheap thing that's very unreliable because I don't really like spending alot of money on myself.

Wilbur rests his head on my shoulder and sighs. Alot has  gone on in the past week and some people don't know how to cope. Will loves physical contact,  but with Phil gone he doesn't have anyone to cling to. Apart from me.
He latches his arms around mine and looks like a koala. Weirdo.

Time skip

We're on the sofa watching great british bake off when I feel a slumped weight on my shoulder. I look over and see a sleeping Wilbur resting on my shoulder. He probably woke up to soon at the hospital.

I shift around a but trying to get us both comfy - if Wilbur wakes up with a neck crick there will be blood. Most likely mine. It'll be drop dead funny to him, but I like my life. Even without Phil. My breath hitches as I remember that night. So much blood. The voices were just spamming E throughout it so that kinda killed the vibe. My brain stuttered to a halt as I remember how pitiful Wilbur looked in the face of that stupid ass ram. That was my little brother and I just sat there and cried. How pathetic.

I could hear a humming coming from wilburs mouth. Even in his sleep he sings and its really annoying.  He hums a tune that makes anyone hear it extremely drowsy, and eventually fall asleep.

I feel my eyelids slip shut and I fall into a deep sleep.


I slowly stir awake and I'm met with Wilbur staring at me.
"Heh?!" I say in confusion.
"Technoooo I'm hungryyyyyyyyy," whiny sod. Looking over , I muster up the most un impressed look I can manage and then turn around and try to get back to sleep.
A heavy weight falls ontop of me. How is such a lanky man so fucking heavy??! I roll over so he's laying on my stomach - bad move, now I can't breathe.

"W-wilbur, lack of oxygen is slowly killing me," Be polite and he will have to listen , right? I was answered with Wilbur trying to put even more weight on me and digging his elbows into my side. I whined cause his elbows are freakishly pointy, and I was now in pain.
"I'll feed you-?"
I've never seen someone get up so quickly. He moves with lightning speed and ran to the kitchen.

Wilbur POV

I run into the kitchen and wait for Techno. I would cook for myself ; however I can't cook for shit and will probably burn down the whole apartment building. So that's out of the question.

I'm sitting in a chair and waiting for Techno to come in when my phone pings. Clicking the on button I'm greeted with a blue/black ombre wallpaper and a text notification.
Tommy. I quickly press the icon and wait for it to load.

Hey Wilbur
I'm alright if that's what your wondering
Just need a break
I think you can imagine that was quite traumatic
For everyone
I was on one of the upper levels so I missed most of it
Thank you tho :D

           No problem gremlin :)
_/ _/

He left me on read , what a dickhead. The door swings open and it gives way to show techno , standing in all his sleepy glory. A grin splits his face in half however, for no apparent reason.
"Have you cleaned yourself this morning Wilbur??"
"No why-" my face falls. My hair was messy wasn't it? Oh nooo. I run upstairs and lock myself in the bathroom. My hair is swept to the side, and my glasses are very crooked.

Turning on the shower I step under the hot current of high pressure water and relax. The feeling over water washing over me cheers me up, and lessens the stress of life.

I finish up in the shower and brush my hair, and set my gold rimmed glasses straight.

Walking downstairs the smell of pancakes hits my nose and immediately I quicken my pace, trying to get down as fast as I can.
Technos as the counter, slaving away whilst flipping the pan and letting the heavenly delights fly into the air.

"Whipped cream or Nutella?" I bring my hand to my chin to decide.
"Nutella ."
He shrugs and turns back to flipping the pancakes.

I'm sitting at the table when a plate filled with pancakes, Nutella and bananas slides infront of me. Yum.

Philza POV

I ∴╎ᓭ⍑ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ|| ᓵ𝙹⚍ꖎ↸ ᓭᒷᒷ ᒲᒷ. I'ᒲ ᓭ𝙹 ᓭ𝙹 ᓭ𝙹 !¡∷𝙹⚍↸ 𝙹⎓ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷᒲ.

Authors note

Once again thanks for checking the story out, I'll try to update one of my stories quickly again TwT

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