Bit of a pickle

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Looking back this could have gone better. Or I could have handled this better.

I broke away from the person holding onto me and ran at schlatt. He kills philza. Punch. He hurts Wilbur. Kick. He hurt Techno. Punch.

A fist connected with my nose. Blood gushed out and ran down my face. I growled and ran at him again, only this time his goons pulled me back.
"Oh Theseus,  how you have fallen," he crooned in my ear. I spat on his stupidly polished and pointed shoes.
"Eh, I preferred Philza." I say with a smirk. He slapped me across the face, it stung so bad but I'm not showing weakness.
"Oh I like this game, it can't be over yet?" What a sadistic prick.
"Well I think I'll finish this another time, to savour it. And to get the blood out my suit before it soaks in. Oh well, toodle!"

Old fashioned cock. I stood up , pain shooting through my body. Who knew fighting with your worst enemy could do that to you? I limp towards Wilbur, checking his pulse. Eh he's alright. I look up , almost dreading this , and slowly walk over to Philza. Techno is still holding him , silent tears running down his face. I put my finger to his neck and a sob racks my body. Stone cold dead. I back away quickly , not wanting to be near him.

I turn and run to Tubbo , burying my face in his shoulder. I hate this. All of it.
I'm supposed to be the strong, awesome vigilante that always comes out on top. Not this weak little boy who doesn't know anything. Schlatt brings out the worst in me, I'm just filled with a torrent of emotions whenever his expensive cologne hits my nose.

Tubbo rubs circles on my back , in a futile attempt to calm me down. Ranboo just stood of to the side, probably zoned out from all the stress. Wilbur is unconscious on the floor , and Techno has gone deathly still over Phil.

Regret claws at my heart. Philza died to save us. All of us. Yet we're a mess , his death shoved us out of rhythm,  our functioning way of life just gone down the drain.

Wilbur pov

Grey recedes from my vision as I regain consciousness.  Everything aches , my neck imparticular.  I try to blink , trying to clear some of the fuzziness from the pounding skull. Bright , fluorescent lights blared down at me and a spiking pain shot through my head, worsening the migraine that had formed from my awakening.

I try to sit up and manage - with much pain and hesitance. I'm in a hospital gown, obviously.  Big villain attack, remember Wilbur?

I look about,  taking in my surroundings. And IV drip stands next to me, and a oxygen mask on the side table. I probably crashed on the table a couple times. My heart speeds up as I remember what happened. My eyes stung with tears but I forced myself to keep it together. Breaking down wouldn't do anything to help. I had to keep calm.

I sit up even further and swing my legs over the edge. The cold air hit my tall, pale, gangly , spidery, overly weird,  inhuman , giraffe, legs and I shivered. My feet hit the white tiled ground and they immediately felt like ice. I pushed myself up by my arms and tried to regain my balance that had seemingly deserted me during my unconscious arc.

I stand and wobble a bit, but eventually I manage to stand up straight without dying.
I pull out the IV and stumble over to my clothes. They were conveniently left on a chair in the corner (plot convenience) and pull them on.

It felt good to be in my yellow sweater and trench coat. Hearing the door swing open I look around.
"Wilbur, you shouldn't be out of bed," Niki says, she didn't have much effort in her voice though. Knowing she couldn't stop me.
"Where's Techno?" Tilting my head to the side I try to gauge her emotions on her face as she tries to come up with a solid response.
She looks me dead in the eyes,

One thing I know about Niki is that she can't keep eye contact whilst lying. Useful to know in times like this.
"Thank you, but you know I need to go."
"I know Wilbur, you've been out for 4 days."
Holy shit that's a long time, and I haven't seen how Tommy is or Techno. Never mind the vigilantes.

I go up to the window and open it,
"Say hey to Techno for me,"
I shoot a wave behind my shoulder and jump out.

Thanks for reading this, this chapter was a bit rushed but I hope you enjoy.
I just need to stretch out this authors note as I do have a word limit but I also want to finish the chapter here as the plot comes back In next chapter,  and I'm worried that it'll be ruined if I start it here :) .

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