Chapter 8

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I get my keys with one hand slowly so I don't wake up aera.
I open the door and slowly go in and close the door. I walk into the living room to see everyone watching the news while Jungkooks pacing the living room.

I set the keys down on the kitchen diner.

Areum: TATA

Her body slams into mine making me groan and wince. She backs away quickly and looks at me with a worried face.

Areum: are you okay?

Y/N: Im good baby hold aera please

Everyone watches me worried and carefully. I take off my boots slowly. The adrenaline rush is slowing down making pain in my body appear forcefully.

Jungkook: baby let me help you

Y/N: Im fine i just need a cold shower and I'm sure this stupid pain will go away.

Jungkook: pain? Did you get hurt?! Sit down

Y/N: Jungkook i said Im fine. I just got shot at. If im standing in sure im fine.

Jungkook: shot at?!

He rushes over to me and checks my face and body. He eyes the bandaged forehead and lifts my shirt revealing a black and purple mixed bruise on my stomach. Everyone gasped at the sight.
I pull my shirt down quickly feeling insecure. I feel small tears filling my eyes. I shake my head at Jungkook and go to my room to shower.

I slam my door.

3rd pov:

Jungkook felt regret for doing that to her. He knew he shouldn't have lifted her shirt in my front of everyone. Especially since he knew she felt insecure about her body and eating disorder. Jimin had a feeling he knew what was wrong with her. He put his hand on jungkooks shoulder.

Jimin: go talk and be there for her. She just saw her daughter almost get killed. The best thing she needs is you

Jungkook nods and runs to their room.

Jin: have you guys home ever seen
Kook that worried?

Everyone shakes their head. Namjoon chuckles

Namjoon: he loves her so much I'm glad she's his girl

Everyone chuckles and nod.

Jimin: we gotta get close with her and be like her brothers she needs people there for her not work.

Jimin felt protective over you. He has a feeling he has to take her under his wing.

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