Chapter 12 - The Snows of Winter

Start from the beginning

He lifted the tray and offered it to Harriet, who took it from him and slowly began to eat, with one hand resting on her mounded belly.

"How are you feeling today?" Severus asked anxiously as his eyes scanned over the heavily pregnant omega, looking for any signs that labour had started.

".....Like I'm about to be a Mum." Harriet replied as she blew out a breath.

Severus was instantly alerted.

"Are you in pain?" He asked quickly, "Where does it hurt?"

"I'm always in pain now." Harriet grumbled as she situated herself to get comfortable with an irritated exclamation, "Where doesn't it hurt?!"

Severus fell silent for a moment while Harriet sipped her tea.

She scowled over at him and asked, "Can't you give me something to induce labour? Like a potion or an elixir?"

Severus frowned at Harriet as he replied, "I'm not giving you anything without obtaining the specialist's consent first. You can't have much longer to go now, Potter, you're nearly there."

Harriet sighed again in frustration and leaned over to sit her tray back on the nightstand without bothering to ask Severus for help.

Severus glanced at the untouched pieces of food on her plate and he narrowed his eyes suspiciously as he spoke, "You barely ate anything."

"I appreciate you bringing me breakfast, but I don't want much to eat. I feel nauseous this morning." Harriet huffed.

"Shall I take you to the lavatory?" Severus asked.

"No." Harriet quietly answered.

Harriet covered herself up with a blanket but Severus stared at her like she was a bomb that was ready to explode as he questioned, ".....Do you believe that we'll meet fledgling today?"

"No......but how should I know?" Harriet grouched as she yawned sleepily and closed her eyes.

Severus was used to Harriet being exhausted and napping in the afternoons, but she didn't normally go back to sleep right after she woke in the mornings.

Father Raven stood from the bed but Harriet's hand reached out and caught his.

"Lay with me." Harriet commanded.

Severus decided to humor her request.

As much as he wanted to do one last reading of his textbooks on labour and delivery, to take one more count of how much he had of each potion and cream in his supply, Severus didn't feel like he should leave Harriet's side that morning.

He wordlessy removed his shoes, his cloak, and climbed into the nest next to her.

Severus blinked at the way Harriet curled towards him, making herself comfortable against his chest while she quickly fell back asleep.

He watched her closely and idly lifted a hand to let it graze through her hair.

Severus's brow furrowed when he noticed something.

Curiously, he inclined his head closer towards Harriet.

Severus's dark eyes narrowed to slits as he realized how much sweeter Harriet's scent had become, practically overnight.

He admitted to himself that the pregnant omega had smelled lovely since he had first visited her humble dwelling, but the scent rising from her skin that morning was thicker, richer, and fuller as her instincts screamed out to Severus in a primal signal for him to stay close.

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