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noun ~ a liquid that carries oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body

The whole room fell into chaos.

Shrieks and yelps of fright-filled the air and it took a moment for my eyes to adjust from the bright lights to the sudden nothing. I looked around frantic and collided with a warm chest. Phoenix wrapped his arms around me and I looked up to see his bright eyes begin to darken to black. I felt the growl in his chest as he scanned the room, his eyesight far better and faster to adjust than mine.

He gave me no warning as I was suddenly jostled and given to another pair of hands like I was precious cargo. I had stumbled my way into Charlie's arms and he wasted no time in taking his silent Alpha's orders, wrapping his arms around my waist so I was pressed against his chest.

"Phoenix what's-"

The sounds of screams silenced my words of panic and I turned to see Phoenix charging forwards, back towards the crowds. The screams of terror filled the air, the sounds of growls falling beneath them. Charlie snarled and before I could react he lifted me from the ground so I was laid across his arms. He began to run with the hoards of people who also sought out an escape from the ballroom.

Wolves were banging on the doors to be let out, women crying out for help from the other side of the oak. Nothing happened and Charlie looked from me to the door with frustration. He looked around before spotting two men and commanding them to ram the door. Despite also being Beta's, they submitted to his demands and began to throw themselves at the thick wood.

We were standing at the edge and I felt my hands shaking as the noises in the room deafened me. "Charlie."

He heard me, his head snapping down to me. His eyes were his wolf; fully in control and terrifying.

"What's going on? We're under attack?" I whimpered.

He nodded, his head taught with the movement. "Yes."

"Do we know who yet?"

He grumbled and shook his head. "No."

I licked my lips nervously, my heart beating wildly in my ears. I felt tears threaten to leak from my eyes but I reminded myself that I was strong and not to be scared.

"Can I be put down?" I wondered.

He growled, looking around the room again. I felt his hands tighten on my skin but he eventually nodded and set me down.


I took his wolf's firm words and stood in front of him. I looked around at the panic, to see the males only cracking the wood of the door. Why was it taking so long?

I gently turned my head to look behind Charlie and wish I never did. Wolves were fighting, in both human and fur forms. It was foggy, somehow, clouds of smoke filling the room and making it hard to see. I immediately found Phoenix, however, drawn to his movements as he ran through the mass. Charlie looked at me briefly, telling me to stay alert, before going to help ram the doors.

A blur from the edge of the room had my eyes dart in surprise. I couldn't catch a glimpse quick enough before it disappeared. With growing confidence to find the enemy through the fog, the doors seemingly cemented solid, I turned around fully. I faced the crowd, the growing smog shielded most of the gore but I could vaguely see the blurs of browns and reds darting up as they charged. A nagging itch in my brain started as I stared at the blurring of colours.

Then, before I could react, the blur encased me. I felt my breath hitch in my throat, my stomach churning with the sudden movement of being moved at such high speed. A scream died in my throat, unable to catch my breath as my eyes blurred around me. The momentum had my head flying forwards so I was looking at the ground and I tried to lift it to get a look at what had me, but it was too heavy, too fast.

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